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U.S. Forest Service
Res. Unit NE-4251
201 Holdsworth NRC
Univ. of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-9285

(413) 545-0357

Fax: 413-545-1860

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Keith H. Nislow

Keith H. Nislow

Ph.D., Dartmouth College
Research Fisheries Biologist

Dr. Nislow conducts research on the relationship between land use, aquatic habitat, and the distribution & abundance of fish and aquatic invertebrates. Specializing in establishing explicit, mechanistic links between environmental variation with the behavior, growth, and survival of stream salmonid fishes, Dr. Nislow is particularly interested in using basic science to assist restoration, conservation, and management and is active in several international research collaborations. Dr. Nislow currently serves as a technical advisor to The Nature Conservancy, the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission, the USFW Gulf of Maine Program, and Region 9 of the National Forest System, and as an Associate Editor of the Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.


  • Effects of stage-specific habitat relationships on salmonid population dynamics
  • Effects of stream fragmentation and barriers to dispersal on stream fishes
  • Atlantic salmon as a sentinel species for atmospheric deposition and ecosystem change
  • Role of migratory fish in the transport of nutrients and materials
  • Effects of hydrologic alteration on aquatic and floodplain ecosystems


  • Armstrong, J.D. and K.H. Nislow. 2006 Critical habitat during the transition from maternal provisioning for freshwater fishes. Journal of Zoology 269:403 - 413.
  • Einum, S. and K.H. Nislow. 2005. Local-scale density dependent survival of mobile organisms in continuous habitats: an experimental test using Atlantic salmon. Oecologia 143:203-210.
  • Nislow, K.H. 2005. Forest change and stream fish habitat: lessons from 'Olde' and New England. Journal of Fish Biology 67: 186-204.
  • Nislow, K.H., J.D. Armstrong, and S. McKelvey. 2004. Transport of phosphorus by migratory Atlantic salmon: the role of management and demography. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:2401-2410.
  • Nislow, K.H. and W.H. Lowe. 2006. Influence of logging history and riparian forest characteristics on macroinvertebrates and brook trout. Freshwater Biology 51: 388-397.

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