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U.S. Forest Service
Res. Unit NE-4251
201 Holdsworth NRC
Univ. of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-9285

(413) 545-0357

Fax: 413-545-1860

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David King

David I. King

Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst
Research Wildlife Biologist


Dr. King's research interests include the effects of forest management practices on bird distribution and demography, the ecological mechanisms underlying bird species habitat associations, the ecology and mangement of early-successional shrubland birds, and the winter ecology and conservation of Neotropical migrants. Dr. King works closely with district biologists on the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF), and recently participated in the WMNF Species Viability Evaluation Expert Panel. He was formerly a Research Associate with the Smithsonian Institute Conservation and Research Center, and a consulting biologist on biodiversity issues for the nonprofit Meso-American Development Institute.


  • Bird abundance and nesting success in managed wildlife openings and clearcuts in western Massachusetts
  • Effects of fuel reduction and habitat restoration in Massachusetts pitch pine-scrub oak forests
  • Whip-poor-will diet, prey availability, habitat analysis, and implications for management in of pitch pine barrens habitat
  • Effects of fuels reduction in New Hampshire wildlife openings on the distribution and demography of early-successional shrubland birds
  • Use of early-successional forest habitats by Neotropical migrants during the juvenal and pre-migratory period
  • Effects of agroforestry on wintering Neotropical migrant birds


  • King, D I., M D. Hernandez-Mayorga, R. Trubey, R. Raudales, and J.H. Rappole. In Press. An Evaluation of the Contribution of Cultivated Allspice (Pimenta Dioca) to Vertebrate Biodiversity Conservation in Nicaragua. Biodiversity and Conservation
  • King, D.I., J.H. Rappole, and J. Buonaccorsi. 2006. Long-Term Population Trends of Forest-dwelling Nearctic-Neotropical Migrant Birds: a Question of Temporal Scale. Bird Populations 7:1-9.
  • King, D.I., R.M. DeGraaf, M.L. Smith, and J. Buonaccorsi. 2006. Habitat Selection and Habitat-Specific Survival of Fledgling Ovenbirds. Journal of Zoology 269:414-421.
  • King, D.I. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2006. Predators at bird nests in a northern hardwood forest in New Hampshire. Journal of Field Ornithology 77:239-243.
  • Rappole, J. H., D.I. King, and J. Diez.and J.H. Vega Rivera. 2005. Factors affecting population size in Texas's Golden-cheeked Warbler. Endangered Species Update. 22:95-103.
  • King, D.I. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2004. Effects of group-selection opening size on the distribution and reproductive success of an early-successional shrubland bird. Forest Ecology and Management 190:179-185.
  • Rappole, J.H., D.I. King, and J. Diez. 2003. Winter versus breeding habitat limitation for an endangered avian migrant. Ecological Applications 13:735-742.
  • King, D.I. and B.E. Byers. 2002. An evaluation of powerline rights-of-way as habitat for early-successional shrubland birds. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30: 868-874.
  • King, D.I. and R.M. DeGraaf. 2002. The effect of forest roads on the reproductive success of forest passerine birds. Forest Science 48:391-396.
  • King, D.I., R.M. DeGraaf, and C.R. Griffin. 2001. Productivity of early-successional shrubland birds in clearcuts and groupcuts in an eastern deciduous forest. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:345-350.


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