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Northern Research Unit NE-4251

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US Forest Service

Eastern: Region 9

Northeastern Research Station

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U.S. Forest Service
Res. Unit NE-4251
201 Holdsworth NRC
Univ. of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-9285

(413) 545-0357

Fax: 413-545-1860

 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.
  Logo of New Century of Service

About Us


[Photo]: Maple leaves


In order to better protect and sustain natural resources throughout the United States, research is conducted by the Forest Service through a network of forest and range experiment stations as well as a Forest Products Laboratory. The US Forest Service is the world’s leading forestry research and conservation organization. The Research and Development branch of the Forest Service focuses on sustaining the health, productivity and diversity of the Nation's forests and rangelands.

Research Work Unit NE-4251 is a field unit located on the University of Massachusetts campus in Amherst, MA. It is an extension of the Northern Research Station based in the Philadelphia suburb of Newtown Square. The mission of the Northern Research Station is to develop and deliver knowledge and innovative technology to manage and protect, use and sustain the natural resources of the region's forests.

The Northern Research Station extends across 20-states, comprising both the most densely populated and most heavily forested portion of the US.


The research unit is supervised by Keith H. Nislow, Research Fisheries Biologist, and has two research wildlife biologists (Robert T. Brooks and David I. King). There are also wildlife biologists, technicians, and graduate students who assist or conduct related studies to the three research areas (or"problems") that are the focus of the research unit.

Research areas are described under the "Research Areas" link in the navigation bar to the left. A list of recent publications by the unit's researchers is provided under the "Publications" link.


There are several organizations and institutions that work collobratively on many areas of research conducted by unit scientists. Links to their main webpages can be found throughout this website, however the "Staff Directory" contains a list of partners and corresponding website links.

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