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Employee Processing

The NASA IV&V Facility requires certain pieces of information in order to accommodate proper processing of new employees, employees who are making changes, and employees who are leaving the NASA IV&V Facility. For your convenience, the NASA IV&V Facility provides documents here on our public web site to allow those who may not have user accounts to obtain the required information. There are three scenarios described below. Please identify which best fits your situation and then follow the instructions provided.

Note: Many of our documents MUST be filled out electronically, and it may be useful for you to save a copy of the data that you submit to us. Both Portable Document Format (PDF) and Microsoft Word versions of these instructions and forms are available from links below. Additionally, it is your responsibility to make copies of your paperwork.


New NASA IV&V Facility personnel and employers must review In-Processing Procedure (PDF or MS Word).

New IV&V Facility personnel and employers must also electronically complete In-Processing Form (PDF or MS Word) according to the In-Processing Procedure above.

All new NASA IV&V Facility personnel are encouraged to review the personnel orientation presentation (NASA IV&V Facility network access required).


Contractor employers must also electronically complete NASA Form (NF) 1760 located at http://server-mpo.arc.nasa.gov/Services/NEFS/NEF_PDFData/NF1760.pdf according to the In-Processing Procedure above.

Temporary Personnel

All new temporary NASA IV&V Facility personnel (less than ninety days) must complete the NASA IV&V Facility’s Basic IT Security Training according to the In-Processing Procedure above. The NASA IV&V Facility’s Basic IT Security Training materials can be downloaded here.

Change Processing

If you are changing contracts or need to change personnel information (e.g., name, employer, location, etc.):
  1. Review Change-Processing Procedure for New Employees (PDF or MS Word).
  2. Electronically complete Change-Processing Form (PDF or MS Word) and send the completed electronic version to your employer.


If you are leaving the NASA IV&V Facility and no longer need access to any of the NASA IV&V Facility's resources (this includes electronic resources):
  1. Review Out-Processing Procedure for New Employees (PDF or MS Word).
  2. Where applicable, electronically complete Out-Processing Form (PDF or MS Word).
  3. On your last day, present the completed form to Security and Maintenance Services.

If you have any questions regarding the above content, please submit them via our Feedback Form.