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Table of Contents of
Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life

Roger Daniels

© 1990 HarperCollins

Reproduced 2001 with permission of the publisher

  Sources cited   |   Index   |  Catalog record and links to related information from the Library of Congress catalog



Tables, Charts, and Maps ix Acknowledgments xi
Part I: Colonial America
1. Overseas Migration from Europe 3 2. English Immigrants in America: Virginia, Maryland, and New England 30 3. Slavery and Immigrants from Africa 53 4. Other Europeans in Colonial America 66 Ethnicity and Race in American Life 101
Part II: The Century of Immigration (1820-1924)
6. Pioneers of the Century of Immigration: Irish, Germans, and Scandinavians 121 7. From the Mediterranean: Italians, Greeks, Arabs, and Armenians 185 8. Eastern Europeans: Poles, Jews, and Hungarians 9. Minorities from Other Regions: Chinese, Japanese, and French Canadians 238 10. The Triumph of Nativism 265
Part III: Modern Times
11. Migration in Prosperity, Depression, and War, 1921-1945 287 12. From the New World: Mexicans and Puerto Ricans 307 13. Changing the Rules: Immigration Law, 1948-1980 328 14. The New Asian Immigrants 350 15. Caribbeans, Central Americans, and Soviet Jews 371 16. The 1980s and Beyond 388 Notes 409 Selected Bibliography 423 Index 433 Illustrations follow pages 52, 212, and 372.


1.1 "Berkeley School" Estimates of Central Mexican Population, 1519-1605 7 1.2 European Population, 1600-2000 16 3.1 Estimated Slave Imports into the Americas, 1451-1870 62 4.1 National or Linguistic Stocks in the United States, 1790 67 6.1 Immigrants by Region of Last Residence, 1820-1920 122 6.2 Immigration to the United States, 1820-1924 124 6.3 Rate of Immigration per Thousand, 1820-1924 125 6.4 Foreign Born as a Percentage of Population, 1850-1920 125 6.5 Immigrants from Ireland, 1820-1924 129 6.6 Immigrants from Germany, 1820-1924 146 6.7 Immigrants from Scandinavia, 1820-1920 165 6.8 Danish Emigrants with Occupation, 1868-1900 182 7.1 Emigrant Ports, 1907 186 7.2 European Immigration to the United States, by Country, 1901-1910 188 7.3 Italian Immigration to the United States, 1820-1920 189 7.4 Immigrants from Greece and Turkey, 1820-1920 202 8.1 Country of Origin, Polish Mother Tongue, 1910 Census 216 8.2 Foreign-born White and Foreign White Stock, by Mother Tongue, from Russia, Austria, Germany, and Hungary, 1910 217 8.3 Seven Leading Polish American Population Centers, 1905 and 1920 220 8.4 Country of Origin, Yiddish or Hebrew "Mother Tongue," 1910 Census 224 9.1 Chinese in the Contiguous United States, 1870-1930 240 9.2 Japanese in the Contiguous United States, 1900-1930 250 9.3 French Canadians in the United States, 1890-1920 259 11.1 Immigration and Emigration, 1921-1945 288 11.2 Immigration and Emigration, by Period, 1921-1945 289 11.3 Immigration, by Period and Region, 1921-1945 290 12.1 Puerto Ricans in New York City and the United States, 1950-1980 324 13.1 Persons Admitted as Refugees, 1945-1980 337 13.2 Preference Systems: 1952 and 1965 Immigration Acts 342 13.3 Numbers and Categories of Immigrants Admitted, 1977 and 1980 344 13.4 Number of Refugees and Asylees Admitted, 1981-1985 346 14.1 Asian American Population, by Major Ethnic Group, 1940-1980 351 14.2 Filipinos in the United States, 1960-1990 359 14.3 Asian Indians in the United States, 1970-1990 363 14.4 Koreans in the United States, 1970-1990 365 15.1 Estimate of Hispanic Population, by Origin, 1987 372 15.2 Estimate of Hispanic Population, by State, 1987 372 16.1 Legal Immigration to the United States, 1981-1990 404 16.2 Foreign Born as a Percentage of Total Population, 1910-1980 404
9.1 Age and Sex Distribution of Chinese Americans, 1920 251 9.2 Age and Sex Distribution of Japanese Americans, 1920 252 13.1 Legal Immigration to the United States, by Region, 1831-1984 335 16.1 Applicants for Amnesty, 1986-1988 394
1. Major Immigration Streams to ca. 1820 6 2. Major Immigration Streams from ca. 1820 to 1914 123 3. Major Immigration Streams from 1941 to 1987 293

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