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Science and Technology Program Researcher of the Year

Researchers of FY2004 were selected in each of Reclamation's Science and Technology Program areas.

Andy Murphy was selected as Researcher of the Year in the Water Supply Technologies focus area. Andy has a long history of being a successful innovator for Reclamation. His work over the past few years on pursuing the next generation of desalting membranes is showing significant promise and potential to lower the cost of desalination, which is a major barrier to growing our nation's water supply through desalination technologies. Andy is also a great mentor to Reclamation's next generation of technical experts through his coaching and his demonstrated enthusiasm in pursuit of innovations.

Brent Mefford was selected as Researcher of the Year in the Water Delivery Reliability focus area. Brent's research and development efforts have improved the reliability of Reclamation water deliveries by producing effective solutions Reclamation water managers can use to prevent water conflicts with the environmental demands on water supplies. Without his past research and development efforts, Reclamation would not have today's innovative fishery structures that include Marble Bluff fish lock, Huntley Diversion Dam rock channel fish pass, Klamath Falls, Link River Dam fish pass, and Derby Dam fish way.

Brent has demonstrated excellent skills in developing effective partners and collaborative research and development efforts with partners that included U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Geological Survey, state fish and game agencies, private sector corporations, water districts, and regional and area offices.

Leslie Hanna was selected as Researcher of the Year in the Water Infrastructure Reliability focus area. Thanks to Ms. Hanna's diligence and innovation, Reclamation now has a solution to preventing high-dollar damage caused by rock and debris entrained in stilling basin flows. The flow deflector that she developed tames the erosive flows by establishing flow currents in the stilling basin. Her successful demonstration of the flow deflector at Mason Dam shows the device works in prototype applications and demonstrates that Leslie manages the project, not just the research.

Leslie's approach to research emulates the ingredients of a successful principal investigator. Her solution to this relevant problem was laboratory tested and proven in the field through a demonstration effort that she made possible through a partnered effort with the Baker Valley Irrigation District and the Snake River Area Office. The demonstration is often the most difficult phase to achieve. She has been very successful at making certain all the ingredients come together.

Doug Clark and Mike Beaty were selected as Co-Researchers of the Year in the Water Operations Decision Support focus area. Doug and Mike of the Pacific Northwest Region were co-principal investigators on a Science and Technology Program project to develop a web-based information system that can provide Reclamation managers with easy access to local and regional data that is central to effective water operations, management, and planning. Within one year, Doug and Mike have demonstrated enormous progress and effective coordination and collaboration skills that emulate our program values: