Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Discover all the benefits in store with the PropC system

Our web enabled database delivers responsive, cost effective, and searchable R&D proposals and project management.

View and search our R&D proposals and projects (Executive search for Reclamation managers, password protected)

Catalyzes Communication, Coordination, and Collaboration
  • Simple and consistent access to researchers, end-users, peer reviewers, colleagues, partners, and customers across Reclamation and throughout the world
  • Auto -generated emails to different users
  • Interagency Who's Who list of subject matter experts (coming soon)
  • Delivers a searchable database summary of funded research to the public and end-users through hotlinks and a clickable map (coming soon)
Closes the gap between researchers and resource managers
  • Makes research more responsive to resource manager needs
  • Management has access to all proposals, progress reports, steering team priorities, reviewer comments, and program decisions in a simple, sorted, searchable, and summarized format
  • Resource managers view and rate proposals
  • The Idea Hopper: Got a problem that needs a solution? Share it with researchers (coming soon)
  • The Science and Technology Bulletin--Got a solution to a problem? Share it with resource managers and other researchers (coming soon)
Enhances proposal submission and competition
  • Expanded outreach and access to innovative researchers
  • Easy-to-navigate proposal forms and guidance
Fosters and accelerates peer review
  • Sorts and delivers proposals to subject matter experts
  • Relevancy reviews by end users
  • Technical reviews by technical experts
  • Fast and effective communication between reviewers promotes consensus
Provides robust proposal selection
  • Sorts and delivers peer reviews to program decisionmakers
  • A forum for end users to guide research direction and selection
  • Making it easier to identify proposals with flaws in technical approach, costs, or duplicating capabilities
  • Instant sorts for proposals to evaluate multiple aspects
  • Instant displays for program of proposal selection scenarios
Delivers transparent accountability
  •  Real-time automated goal tracking (coming soon)
  • Ongoing progress reports for each research project
  • Continued investment in research projects becomes contingent upon results
Makes document management cost-effectivet
  •  No more shuffling, sorting, mailing, faxing, or e-mailing forms, instructions, and proposals between the program office, researchers, reviewers, end-users, customers, and decisionmakers
  • No more filing proposals, reviews, and decisions
  • Instant document retrieval---anywhere, any time
  • Many system users view the same document simultaneously
Creates an open and self-improving program
  • Management has access to all proposals, progress reports, steering team priorities, reviewer comments, and program decisions in a simple, sorted, searchable and summarized format
  • Access to reviews evolves stronger proposals
  • Competition and transparency motivate excellence 
Simplifies financial management
  •  Automatically generates and delivers authorized project budges and cost accounts to researchers and financial accounting offices
  • Tracks costs versus budget through access to the Federal Finance Accounting System (coming soon)