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Science and Technology Program

Research Proposal and Performance Contract Management (PropC) System

FY2008 Portfolio of Interdisciplinary R&D Projects

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S&T Project and Submitter


Output Area


Start Year

Testing and Improving Distributed Runoff Models for Flood Forecasting as part of NWS DMIP2

John England, Technical Service Center, 86-68530, 303-445-2541, jengland@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS1  9376 2006
Long-Term Water-Supply and Drought Prediction with Uncertainty

John England, Technical Service Center, 86-68530, 303-445-2541, jengland@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

DS1  7325 2008
New US National Flood Frequency Guidelines

John England, Technical Service Center, 86-68530, 303-445-2541, jengland@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

DS1  1295 2008
Investigating alternate methods to automate irrigated and natural vegetation classifications for water accounting.

Ronald Miller, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Group, 86-68260, 303.445.2279, rmiller@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS2  6676 2005
Developing and evaluating remote sensing based direct ET models to improve water accounting efficiency

Ronald Miller, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Group, 86-68260, 303.445.2279, rmiller@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS2  282 2008
Modeling and Field Experimentation to Determine the Effects of Terracing and Small Reservoirs on Water Supplies in the Republican River Basin above Hardy, Nebraska

Scott Guenthner, Water Resources/GPRegion, GPO-4600, 406-247-7736, SGUENTHNER@gp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS3  9517 2005
Enhancing Project Performance: Integrating Risk, Uncertainty and Risk-Cost-Benefit (RUCB) Procedures into Project Operation and Planning Analyses

James (Kip) Gjerde, Resource Services, GP-4600, 406-247-7750, jgjerde@gp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

DS3  9616 2008
Integrated Information Management System (IIMS) - an Information and Data Management System for Science Based River Management

Andreas Krause, Bureau of Reclamation, NC-157B, 530-623-1800, akrause@mp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS4  165 2006
Integration of HydroGeoSphere and Groundwater Modeling System.

Lorri Peltz-Lewis, Division of Water Resources Management, MP-400, 916-978-5271, LPELTZLEWIS@mp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS4  3279 2008
Data Fusion of Remote Sensing and Real Time Field Data in Support of Enhanced River Basin Operations

Kurt Wille, Bureau of Reclamation, D-8260, 303-445-2285, kwille@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS4  5307 2008
Development of WARMF model capability to support San Joaquin River restoration planning and real-time water quality management

William Rohwer, Bureau of Reclamation, MP-700, 916-978-5082, wrohwer@mp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS4  7341 2007
USBR Biological Resources Data Management: Developing an Enterprise Approach

Douglas Clark, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68260, 303.445.2271, drclark@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

DS4  1713 2008
Geo-Library Reference Database [Area Office Library materials accessible through an ArcIMS interface

Jeremy Dandron, LC Region, PXAO-9100, 602-216-3920, jdandron@lc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS4  7751 2006
Flow Deflectors - Proven Technology

Leslie Hanna, WRRL, 86-68560, 303.445.2146, lhanna@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


IR1  1531 2006
Improved Methods for Air Demand Analysis and Air Vent Sizing for Hydraulic Structures

Joseph Kubitschek, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68560, 303.445.2148, jkubitschek@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR1  6418 2008
Hydraulic Modeling with abrupt changes in Reynold's no.

Leslie Hanna, WRRL, 86-68560, 303.445.2146, lhanna@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR1  9750 2006
Flow deflectors for preventing Type II and Type III stilling basin abrasion damage (widespread application)

Leslie Hanna, WRRL, 86-68560, 303.445.2146, lhanna@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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IR2  81 2004
Evaluation of Protective Coatings by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) to Predict Coating Service Life

Allen Skaja, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68180, 303-445-2396, askaja@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR2  7553 2006
Carbon Fiber Rehabilitation of Prestressed Concrete Pipe

Allen Skaja, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68180, 303-445-2396, askaja@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR2  7344 2006
Very Thin Concrete Repairs in Spillway Tunnels

Michael Petronis, Reclamation, MT-432, 406-247-7312, mpetronis@gp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR2  8791 2008
Final development and field demonstration of an innovative outlet works valve

Joseph Kubitschek, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68560, 303.445.2148, jkubitschek@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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IR2  9532 2008
pH cell mitigation and field trial of new coatings.

Daryl Little, Bureau, 86-68180, 303-445-2384, dlittle@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR2  7292 2007
Wide span stilling basin deflectors (width greater than 30 ft)

Leslie Hanna, WRRL, 86-68560, 303.445.2146, lhanna@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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IR2  5564 2006
Development of Performance Criteria for Surface Preparation of Concrete Substrates Pior to Repair and Overlay

Kurt VonFay, Technical Service Center, 86-68180, 303-445-2399, kvonfay@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR2  1137 2007
Terrestrial Photogrammetry: Development of Capabilities and Exploring Applications for 3 D Measuring from photographs

Pete Shaffner, Technical Service Center, 86-68320, 303.445.3152, pshaffner@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR3  5014 2005
Cooperative Research on Field Capabilities Test/Demonstration for FEMA Indirect Means of Assessing Conditions within Earth Embankment Dams (IMACED) Project.

Rich Markiewicz, TSC, 86-68330, 303-445-3167, rmarkiewicz@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR3  2538 2008
Effects of Iron Bacteria on Subsurface Tile Drains: Influence on Hydraulic Efficiency and Nutrient Transport

Allen Schlag, BOR, DK-600, 701-250-4242x3617, ASCHLAG@gp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


IR3  4883 2008
Reduced Cost Hydroelectric Maintenance

Jim DeHaan, Hydroelectric Research and Technical Services Group, 86-68450, 303.445.2305, jdehaan@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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IR5  582 2003
Power System Stability Improvement

J Agee, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68450, 303-445-2309, jagee@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR5  661 2004
Power System Diagnostics

Eric Eastment, Hydroelectric Research Group, 86-68450, 303.445.2324, eeastment@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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IR5  701 2004
Enhancement of Hydroturbine Operational Flexibility for Powerplant Cost Optimization

Ted Bechtel, Technical Service Center, 86-68450, 303-445-2319, tbechtel@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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IR5  8301 2005
Power System Stability Enhancement in the Digitally-Controlled Power System

J Agee, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68450, 303-445-2309, jagee@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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IR5  1411 2005
Rock Ramp Interstitial Flow and Design Guidelines

Kent Collins, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68540, 303-445-2549, kcollins@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD1  2253 2007
Developing Design Guidelines for Low Head Fish Friendly Diversion Dams

Brent Mefford, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68560, 303.445.2149, bmefford@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD1  6066 2006
River Spanning Rock Structures Research and Design Guidelines

Elaina Holburn, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68540, 303-445-2550, eholburn@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD1  6388 2008
Cathodic Protection Systems and effects on fisheries near Reclamation Projects

Raymond Bark, Fisheries Applications and Research, 86-68290, 303.445.2204, rbark@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD1  3427 2006
Fish Passage and Entrainment Workshop

Steve Hiebert, Technical Service Center, 86-68290, 303-445-2206, shiebert@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD1  4803 2008
Emplacement and Efficacy Testing of Pulsed Direct Current Electrical Barrier

Juddson Sechrist, Technical Service Center, 86-68290, 303-445-2198, jsechrist@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD1  2503 2006
Saving Water and Insuring Delivery: Flow Prescription and the Discharge to Habitat Relationship for a Listed Anadromous Salmonid

Mark Bowen, Fisheries Applications Research Group, 86-68290, 303.445.2222, mbowen@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  7899 2007
Bacteria, Geochemistry, and Hydrology: An Investigation of the Mechanisms of Clogging to Determine How Best to Address Them in Wells and Drains for Improved Operation and Maintenance.

Denise Hosler, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2195, dhosler@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD2  9999 2005
Predation on listed fishes at Reclamation facilities and ways to reduce its impact

Cathy Karp, Technical Service Center, 86-68290, 303.445.2226, ckarp@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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WD2  7432 2008
Small, Terrestrial Mammal Communities within Native and Non-native Dominated Riparian Vegetation along the San Pedro and Gila Rivers in Central Arizona

Nicole Olsker, Bureau of Reclamation, PXAO-1500, 623-773-6258, NMOLSKER@lc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  1705 2008
Fish-holding-associated stress in slavaged fishes at Reclamation Facilities

Don Portz, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68290, 303-445-2220, dportz@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  2301 2008
Literature Review of Large Woody Debris (LWD) Guidelines and Implementation Strategies

Elaina Holburn, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68540, 303-445-2550, eholburn@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD2  3987 2008
Quantitatively Monitoring the Effects of the Biocontrol Agent Diorhabda elongata deserticola on Saltcedar Resprouts to Determine the Efficacy of Long-term Biocontrol at Various Reclamation Release Sites in the Western U.S.

Denise Hosler, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2195, dhosler@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD3  481 2005
Integrated Control of Invasive Aquatic Weeds for Preventing Blockage of Water Delivery Channels, Conserving Water, and Reducing Operating Costs

Scott OMeara, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2216, someara@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD3  1001 2003
Integrating biological control agents (insects) with herbicides for supression of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.): Develpment of cost-effective tools for saving water by controling an invasive phreatophyte

Scott OMeara, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2216, someara@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD3  8946 2007
Water Conservation and Habitat Improvement in Riparian Floodplains: Evaluation of Integrated Management Methods for Multiple-Species, Multiple-Growth Form Invasive Plants.

Scott OMeara, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2216, someara@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD3  3430 2008
Impact of Quagga and Zebra Mussels on Reclamation Fish and Habitat Restoration Activities

Cathy Karp, Technical Service Center, 86-68290, 303.445.2226, ckarp@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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WD3  5123 2008
Management of Quagga and Zebra Mussels for Preventing Blockage of Water in Delivery Systems and Protecting Infrastructure

Fred Nibling, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2202, fnibling@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD3  3582 2008
Assessing Spatially Distributed Temperatures for Water Suitability and Habitat

Yong Lai, Technical Service Center, 86-68540, 303-445-2560, ylai@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD4  7872 2008
Evaluation and development of NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research LiDAR (EAARL) for accurate representation of high resolution channel bathymetry for hydraulic modeling and aquatic habitat mapping applications.

Sharon Parkinson, Bureau of Reclamation, PN-6217, 208.378.5053, sparkinson@pn.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD4  9251 2008
Passive Selenium Bioreactor -- Pilot-scale Testing

Michael Baker, Western Colorado Area Office, WCG-MBaker, 970.248.0637, mbaker@uc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD4  4414 2008
Prediction of River Meandering and Habitat Formation

Blair Greimann, Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group, 86-68540, 303.445.2563, bgreimann@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD5  92 2006
Decision Framework for Resource Managers, Permitting Agencies, and Stakeholders to Determine Potential Sediment Impacts and Analyses for Reservoir Sediment Sluicing and Dam Decommissioning

Jennifer Bountry, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68540, 303-445-3614, jbountry@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD5  8462 2008
Advanced Photogrammetry Techniques as a Tool for Evaluating Sediment Gradations

Elaina Holburn, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68540, 303-445-2550, eholburn@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD5  5066 2008
Development of a continuous bedload transport measurement technique

Robert Hilldale, Technical Service Center, 86-68240, 303-445-3135, rhilldale@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD5  6499 2008
Design Methods and Guidelines for New Technology, Low Cost Bank Stabilization Features Also Used For River Restoration.

Drew Baird, Technical Service Center, 86-68540, 303-445-2564, dbaird@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD5  8819 2008
Surrogate Sediment Measurement Technologies - Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project

Robert Hilldale, Technical Service Center, 86-68240, 303-445-3135, rhilldale@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD5  6435 2008
Assessing and Reducing the Uncertainty of Predictions From Hydraulic and Hydrologic Models

Blair Greimann, Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group, 86-68540, 303.445.2563, bgreimann@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD5  8128 2007
Investigating alternate methods for extracting hydraulic model output measurements.

Alan Bell, Technical Service Center, 86-68260, 303-445-2208, abell@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD5  5783 2005
Demonstration of Field Scale Applications to Control Waterlogging and Salinization

Roger Burnett, Ground Water and Drainage, 86-68550, 303.445.2508, rburnett@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS1  2193 2005
Testing of the subtiming and subgridding algorithms incorporated into HydroGeoSphere to handle intensive computational demand

George Matanga, Division of Planning, MP-740, 916-978-5084, gmatanga@mp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS1  762 2004
Cellulose Acetate (CA) Membrane Study

Andrew Murphy, Technical Service Center, 86-68230, 303.445.2259, amurphy@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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WS2  107 2005
Investigating the Opportunity for Wind-Powered Desalination in Arizona

Tom Poulson, Program Development Division, PXAO-7000, 602-216-3836, tpoulson@lc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS2  2326 2008
Comparative Analysis of Inovative Concentrate Management Systems

Tom Poulson, Program Development Division, PXAO-7000, 602-216-3836, tpoulson@lc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS2  3699 2008
Optimization of Energy Recovery Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems

Steve Dundorf, Water Treatment ENgineering and Research Group, 86-68120, 303.445.2263, sdundorf@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS2  9081 2005
Boron Removal from Seawater

Kevin Kelly, Ecological Research and Investigations, 86-68220, 303.445.2017, kkelly@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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WS2  9566 2006
Development of coatings for polymeric membranes to minimize biofouling

Katherine Benko, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68230, 303-445-2013, kbenko@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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WS2  9549 2005
Treatment of Produced Water for Beneficial Use in the Western US

Katherine Benko, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68230, 303-445-2013, kbenko@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS2  3180 2007
Demonstration of radio telemetered flow monitoring and canal control technologies

Tom Gill, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68560, 303.445.2201, tgill@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS3  393 2006
Developing Low-Head Coanda-Effect Screens

Tony Wahl, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68460, 303.445.2155, twahl@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS3  7147 2005
Flow Measurement with Canal Radial Gates

Tony Wahl, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68460, 303.445.2155, twahl@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS3  1281 2004
Development and Testing of an Overshot Gate Design that Irrigation Districts can Self-Construct and Maintain

Tom Gill, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68560, 303.445.2201, tgill@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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WS3  6890 2008
Software for Custom Flume and Weir Staff Gages

Tony Wahl, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68460, 303.445.2155, twahl@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS3  152 2006
Programmable Logic Control of Automated Surface Irrigation Systems for Improved Water Use Efficiency

Mark Niblack, Reclamation, YA)-7300, 928-343-8253, mniblack@lc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS3  3877 2008
"Living Laboratory" for Canal Modernization Technologies

Tom Gill, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68560, 303.445.2201, tgill@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS3  7316 2007
Flow Measurement with a Venturi Flume Under Submerged or Unsubmerged Conditions

Tom Gill, Water Resources Research Laboratory, 86-68560, 303.445.2201, tgill@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS3  495 2006
Development of a coupled hydrologic and economic-trading model to evaluate water trading and water markets in southern Idaho.

G. Allyn Meuleman, USBR, SRA-1206, 208-383-2258, ameuleman@pn.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS4  5330 2006
Research and Development of a Comprehensive Guide of Tools for Management of Diverging Science in Reclamation Water Allocation Decisions.

Douglas Clark, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68260, 303.445.2271, drclark@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS4  7515 2008
Development of Improved Evapotranspiration Estimates for Predominant Marsh Plant Communities and Open-Water Evaporation Estimates in the Upper Klamath River Basin

Mark Spears, TSC, 86-68520, 303-445-2514, MSPEARS@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS4  6485 2008
Examining the Use of Adaptive Management Workshops to Foster Collaboration

Douglas Clark, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68260, 303.445.2271, drclark@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS4  9132 2008
Development of a multi-aquifer hydrologic modeling package to support Reclamation water use planning in rural/urban landscapes.

Jennifer Johnson_1, Bureau of Reclamation, PN-6216, 208-378-5225, jmjohnson@pn.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS4  60 2008
Western Water Institutional Solutions: Identification, Development, and Application of Institutional Solutions for Western Water Problems

Douglas Clark, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68260, 303.445.2271, drclark@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS4  147 2006
Evaluation of Residential Irrigation Controller with On-Site Weather Station for Reduction of Water Use, Deep Percolation and Salt & Selenium Loading in Arid Landscapes

Michael Baker, Western Colorado Area Office, WCG-MBaker, 970.248.0637, mbaker@uc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS5  8607 2007
Reclamation's Major Urban Conservation Opportunity--Efficient Turf Irrigation

Fred Liljegren, UC Regional Office, , 801-524-3765, fliljegren@uc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS5  6976 2007
Scoping investigation of the causes for significant snow cover losses in western interior watersheds

Thomas Perry, Reclamation, 86-68520, 303-445-2567, tperry@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS2  7350 2008
Development and Comparison of Long-Term Planning Hydrologies using Alternate Climate Information Sets

Levi Brekke, Technical Service Center, 86-68520, 303-445-2494, LBREKKE@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


DS3  6395 2008
Investigating a Modern Method for Improving the Management and Protection of Heritage Assets In Threshing Machine Canyon, Kansas Using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Technology

Thomas Lincoln, Reclamation, 84-53000, 303-445-3311, tlincoln@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

IR1  7686 2008
Status, distribution and management of aquatic herpetofauna as related to Reclamation projects within the Middle Rio Grande and Missouri River basins.

David Moore, Technical Service Center, 86-68210, 303-445-2242, dmoore@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  7650 2007
Use of High Definition Imaging Sonar as a Methodology for Evaluating Native Fish Spawning Behavior and Habitat Preference in Areas Impacted by Reclamation Structures and Operations.

Eric Best, Technical Service Center, 86-68290, 303-445-2179, ebest@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  1559 2005
Early Warning Detection of Zebra Mussel

Kevin Kelly, Ecological Research and Investigations, 86-68220, 303.445.2017, kkelly@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD3  8487 2007
Determining the Rate of Mortality for Saltcedar by Size and Age Class Resulting From Repeated Defoliation by the Biocontrol Agent Diorhabda elongata deserticola in Order to Increase Water Salvage Along Western Rivers.

Denise Hosler, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2195, dhosler@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD3  9561 2005
Managing for Algal Toxins in Reclamation's Project Reservoirs

Davine Lieberman, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2223, dlieberman@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD4  4939 2006
Using Satellite Imagery to Locate Arundo

John Carlson, Technical Service Center, 86-68260, 303-445-2270, jcarlson@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS6  7602 2008
Hydroclimatic Index in Drought Forecasting and Climate Scenario Building for the Colorado River Basin

Mitchell Haws, Lower Colorado Region, PXAO-8021, 602-216-3937, mhaws@lc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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DS2  8836 2007
Groundwater Modeling Decision Support System

Mitchell Haws, Lower Colorado Region, PXAO-8021, 602-216-3937, mhaws@lc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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DS2  4296 2008
Invertebrate communities used as indicators of river restoration

Mark Nelson, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2225, msnelson@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD5  1196 2006
Using remote sensing technology to facilitate detection of river system changes.

Ronald Miller, Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Group, 86-68260, 303.445.2279, rmiller@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD5  1296 2003
Slowsand Filtration for Reducing Costs of Desalting Surface Waters

Chuck Moody, , 86-68700, 303.445.2258, cmoody@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS2  361 2004
Developing the Next Generation Chlorine Resistant, High Flux, and High Salt Rejection Polyamide Desalting Membrane to Increase Water Suppy

Andrew Murphy, Technical Service Center, 86-68230, 303.445.2259, amurphy@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

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WS2  526 2004
Long-term testing near Tucson, Arizona of concentrate management using halophyte irrigation; uses slowsand filtration (SSF) and reverse osmosis (RO) treatment to produce the needed concentrate.

Eric Holler, Program Development Division - Tucson, PXAO-7005, 520.670.4825, eholler@lc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS2  6551 2005
Foward Osmosis Water Purification

Chuck Moody, , 86-68700, 303.445.2258, cmoody@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

Sorry, this proposal contains potential intellectual property. Please contact the submitter.

WS2  1289 2004
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Potential Impacts of the Red Bluff Diversion Dam on Green Sturgeon

Richard Corwin, Bureau of Reclamation, NC-342, 530-528-0512, rcorwin@mp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD1  1887 2008
Reducing Risk of Water Conflicts Related to Operational Impacts to Salmon.

John Hannon, Regional Environmental Office, MP-150, 916-978-5524, jhannon@mp.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  2759 2006
Developing Ultrasound Imaging as a Fish Research and Management Tool at Reclamation Fish Facilities

Susan Broderick, Technical Service Center, 86-68210, 303-445-2235, sbroderick@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  4067 2008
Chemical Treatment Technology for Removal of Selenium

Katherine Benko, Bureau of Reclamation, 86-68230, 303-445-2013, kbenko@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WS2  9030 2007
Past Climate Change and GW Pumping Influences on Historic Streamflow Traces and the Consequences of Using Historic Streamflow Traces in Operations Planning

Leslie Stillwater, River and Reservoir Operations, Pacific Northwest Region, PN-6213, 208.378.5202, lstillwater@pn.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

DS2  8404 2008
Establishment of Native Shrubs and Trees in Reservoir Drawdown Zones for Restoration of Endangered Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Habitat

Ken Lair, Ecological Research and Investigations, 86-68220, 303.445.2005, klair@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD2  1265 2004
Inhibition of Biofilm Formation

Kevin Kelly, Ecological Research and Investigations, 86-68220, 303.445.2017, kkelly@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  3326 2005
Inventory of Reclamation facilities where lamprey species exist, issues confronting lamprey, and how to aid fishways for passage and monitoring.

Raymond Bark, Fisheries Applications and Research, 86-68290, 303.445.2204, rbark@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  3732 2005
Habitat modeling field validation for various salmonid life stages in Middle Fork John Day River, Oregon

Chelsie Morris, Reclamation, 86-68290, 303-445-2237, cgmorris@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD2  69 2008
Automated fish separator, imaging,and data recording system for use on existing fish traps and monitoring systems

Steve Hiebert, Technical Service Center, 86-68290, 303-445-2206, shiebert@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members    

Sorry, this proposal contains potential intellectual property. Please contact the submitter.


WD2  6668 2007
Developing Low-cost, Effective Methods for Evaluating Aquatic Ecosystems

Mark Nelson, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2225, msnelson@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD4  101 2003
Evaluation of alternative legal, institutional, economic, and hydrologic approaches for ground-water banking to facilitate water transfers among uses and users in the Snake River basin.

Jennifer Johnson_1, Bureau of Reclamation, PN-6216, 208-378-5225, jmjohnson@pn.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WS1  901 2004
Evaluation of potential and development of a real time river basin operations tool

Roger Hansen, Provo Area Office, Upper Colorado Region, PRO-713, 801-379-1170, rhansen@uc.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

DS3  7200 2008
Developing operational criteria information for temperature control device installation at Reclamation facilities through the use of real-time integrated entrainment monitoring systems to improve reliability of water and power delivery.

Juddson Sechrist, Technical Service Center, 86-68290, 303-445-2198, jsechrist@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD1  4149 2007
Assessment of Pelagic Fish Entrainment at Glen Canyon Dam Using Experimental Fyke-type Netting Systems

Juddson Sechrist, Technical Service Center, 86-68290, 303-445-2198, jsechrist@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    

WD2  4017 2008
Investigation of Updates Aquatic Herbicides and Newer Technologies for controlling aquatic pest in water conveyance systems in the 17 western states

David Sisneros, Technical Service Center, 86-68220, 303-445-2228, dsisneros@do.usbr.gov

Research Question     Team Members     Statement of the Problem    


WD3  4871 2008