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Import & Export

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Import Business in Hawaii
All merchandise coming into the U.S. must clear through U.S. Customs Service and is subject to a customs duty unless specifically exempted from duty by law. Clearance of imported goods involves a number of steps: entry, valuation, appraisement, and liquidation.

Hawaii Foreign Trade Zone
Hawaii's Foreign-Trade Zone #9 is a duty-free, secure location authorized by the federal government that is legally outside of the customs territory of the United States. Companies at Foreign-Trade Zone #9 enjoy a number of competitive benefits from operating in a "free trade" environment.

Export Business in Hawaii
A successful exporter based in Hawaii does not have to be a large multinational corporation. A small business or even a single individual can export profitably and successfully if the they are willing to put in the time, make the effort, and pay careful attention to detail. It is the policy of both the State of Hawaii and the United States government to expand our export markets.

Last modified 01-29-2008 09:41 AM