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Research & Technology Transfer

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Office of Technology Transfer and Economic Development

The University of Hawaii has experienced ground-breaking innovations in it's recent history of research and development of agriculture, biology and medicine, engineering, physical sciences and other technologies.

The Office of Technology Transfer and Economic Development (OTTED) is a service-oriented revenue center organized for the purpose of helping UH faculty, staff, and students identify, protect, and commercialize the University's intellectual property assets so that they can benefit society and spur economic growth for our State and national economies.

OTTED's Technology Licensing Group (TLG) markets and licenses technologies developed at the University. The TLG seeks to encourage broad utilization of the results of University research and supports the transfer of new technology and ideas from the University to the community-at-large.

For further information, visit: University of Hawaii Technology Licensing Group.

Last modified 02-03-2006 03:52 PM