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Get Your Cholesterol Checked

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The Basics

How do I Check my Cholesterol?
Ask your doctor for a blood test called a lipoprotein (lip-oh-pro-teen) profile to measure your cholesterol levels. A small sample of blood is taken from your finger or arm. Usually you can’t eat or drink anything (except water and black coffee) for 9–12 hours before the test.

What do the Numbers Mean?
Your lipoprotein profile will tell you about:

  • Total cholesterol – A desirable total cholesterol is a number under 200.
  • LDL cholesterol – This is the bad type of cholesterol that can block your arteries. Most people should try to keep their LDL cholesterol under 130. If you have heart disease or diabetes, keep your LDL cholesterol under 100.
  • HDL cholesterol – This is the good type of cholesterol that lowers your risk for heart disease. And HDL cholesterol below 40 is a major risk factor for heart disease. An HDL cholesterol above 60 helps protect against heart disease.
  • Triglycerides (a type of fat in your blood) – Keep this number under 150.

To learn more, see how your cholesterol numbers compare to these cholesterol tables.

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