Winter Quarters
Early 1863


Begun as a small, three-room winter hunting cabin built in 1803 by Job Routh, Winter Quarters became the stately country home of Dr. Haller Nutt and his wife Julia. (The Nutts were residents of Natchez, owners of the stately octagonal-shaped home Longwood). Purchased in 1850 by Dr. Nutt, the plantation came to embrace more than 2,000 acres and was worked by a force of 300 slaves. Winter Quarters also boasted several cotton gins, a sawmill, milk house, barns, boat docks, smokehouse, machine shops, and hospital. The Nutts were Union sympathizers and Julia reportedly made her way to Milliken's Bend to implore General Grant to spare her house in exchange for which she would feed and quarter troops.


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Last update: Friday, November 05, 1999
Editor: G. Zeman