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Past Issue

Vol. 11, No. 9
September 2005

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Potential Impact of Antiviral Use on Hospitalizations during Influenza Pandemic

Raymond Gani,*Comments Helen Hughes,* Douglas Fleming,† Thomas Griffin,* Jolyon Medlock,* and Steve Leach*
*Health Protection Agency, Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom; and †Royal College of General Practitioners, Harborne, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Appendix: Mathematical Model Used To Calculate Outputs

The model used was based on Kermack and McKendrick (1), which has formed the basis of a number of models for both epidemic and pandemic influenza (2–4) and is implemented by using the set of differential equations given in equation 1.

       equation 1

where α = 1/L = 0.5, γ = 1/PP = 0.4, λ = 1/IP = 2/3, and β = R0/(PP + IP). LP represents the length of the latent period; PP represents the length of the nonsymptomatic infectious period; and IP represents the length of the infectious symptomatic period. S represents the total proportion susceptible, E the total proportion incubating, Pi the proportion from the total population in each group i within the first 2.5 days of their infectious period, Ii the proportion of total population in each group i within the final 1.5 days of their infectious period, and R the total proportion recovered and immune or dead. ci is the proportion of infections resulting in clinical cases, and Ti is the proportion of group i receiving treatment. The average number of secondary cases per primary case when the population is entirely susceptible is represented by R0, and the proportion of the population in each group i is given by Ni. The proportion treated in each group each week can be given as Ai(t) as

where t is time in days.

The proportion of the population within each group being hospitalized each week, Hi(t), can be calculated as

where ε is the efficacy of antiviral treatment against hospitalization and hi is the hospitalization rate for each group i.

Supplementary information on the probability of hospitalization in the absence of vaccination is available from the author (see Comments to the Authors).

Appendix References

  1. Kermack WO, McKendrick AG. A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 1927 Series A;115:700–21.
  2. Rvachev LA, Longini IM. A mathematical model for the global spread of influenza. Mathematical Biosciences. 1985;75:3–22.
  3. Flahault A, Letrait S, Blin P, Hazout S, Menares J, Valleron AJ. Modelling the 1985 influenza epidemic in France. Stat Med. 1988;7:1147–55.
  4. Flahault A, Deguen S, Valleron AJ. A mathematical model for the European spread of influenza. Eur J Epidemiol. 1994;10:471–4.
Comments to the Authors

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Raymond Gani; Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Health Protection Agency, Porton Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 0JG, United Kingdom; fax: +44-1980-612-491; email:

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This page posted July 26, 2005
This page last reviewed August 19, 2005

Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention