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Willow Creek Dam

Picture of Willow Dam, Colorado



  • Region (Map) : .......... Great Plains
  • State (Map) ............... Colorado
  • County ....................... Grand
  • Project: ....................... Colorado-Big Thompson
  • Dam type: ................... Earthfill
  • Location: .................... 4 mi N of Granby
  • Watercourse: ............ Willow Creek
  • Reservoir: ...................Willow Creek
  • Construction Date: ....1951-1953
  • National ID Number ... CO01670
  • Hydrologic Unit Code ...



    Elevation  8132.0 ft.,  ....................... 2,405 cfs  


Flood Type: ................................Winter General

  Peak Inflow: ...................................... 44,300 cfs

  •   Inflow Volume: ..........................109,300 acre-ft
  •   Flow Duration: ..................................... 15 days
  •   PMF Routing MWS Elev.: ....................... N/A
  •   Initial Routing Elev.: .......................... 8130.0 ft
  •   Study Date: ...................................... June 1996

Power Generation




Materials within and surrounding the area of Willow Creek Dam and Reservoir include Cretaceous and Paleocene sedimentary rocks, Miocene basalt flows with interlayered mudstone, siltstone and sandstone of the same age, Pleistocene terrace deposits and alluvium and terrace deposits of Holocene age.  The dam and appurtenant structures are situated in an area of Miocene basalt flows and interlayered tuffaceous mudstone, siltstone and sandstone.  Most of the older sedimentary rocks, as well as younger surficial materials occur within the upper reaches of the reservoir.  At the time investigations were conducted, the sedimentary rocks interlayered with Miocene basalt flows were refereed to as the North Platte formation.  Since that time there has been a change in nomenclature.  The subject sedimentary rocks are now called the Troublesome formation.


 | Recreation |

 | Dams Located by State | USBR Colorado Dams | South Great Plains Region Dams |

 | Owner:  Bureau of Reclamation, Eastern Colorado Area Office,
                   11056 West County Road 18E, Loveland, CO 80537-9711, (970) 667-4410

 | Operator:  Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District,
                       PO Box 679, Loveland, CO 80539, (970) 667-2437



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