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Spectacle Lake Dike

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  • Region (Map) : ................. Pacific Northwest
  • State (Map) ...................... Washington
  • County .............................. Okanogan
  • Project: .............................. Chief Joseph Dam
  • Dam type: ......................... Earthfill
  • Location: .......................... 10mi NW of Tonasket
  • Watercourse: ................... Offstream Storage
  • Reservoir: ........................  Spectacle Lake
  • Construction Date: ..........1968-1969
  • National ID Number ........ WA00272
  • Hydrologic Unit Code ....



  • Normal Water Surface Elev: ................1371.0 ft
  • Hydraulic Height: ......................................... NA
  • Service Spillway Type:
  •    Uncontrolled  Crest    ................................. No
  •    Morning-Glory ............................................ No
  •    Crest Length    ........................................... NA
  •    Gated      ....................................................... No
  •    Capacity at Elev:  0 ft,                               0 cfs
  • Auxiliary Spillway ......................................... No
  •     Capacity at Elev.   ................................... 0 cfs
  • Outlet Works Capacity at
  •     Elevation  1372.5 ft.,  ............................ 75 cfs


  • Drainage Area: .................................. 18.0 sq mi
  • Hydrometeorological Report (HMR): ....... NA
  • Flood Type: ..................................... 100 yr freq.
  • Storm Duration: ........................................ 10 hrs
  • Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) Report:
  •   Peak Inflow: ...............................................  NA
  •   Inflow Volume: ............................... 630 acre-ft
  •   Flow Duration: ............................................ NA
  •   PMF Routing MWS Elev.: ................ 1372.5 ft
  •   Initial Routing Elev: ........................... 1371.0 ft
  •   Study Date: ............................ September 1959

Power Generation




Spectacle Lake Dike which is in the Whitestone Coulee Unit is in a glaciated mountainous area. High, sharp-crested granite ridges and peaks are separated by rather wide flat-bottomed valleys and irregular depressions. The present drainage pattern is considerably different from the preglacial pattern. Some of the large streams, - such as the Similkameen River, now flow in rugged canyons of Glacial Age, and only minor streams occupy the valleys of preglacial rivers. For example, the Similkameen River near Nighthawk flows in a very youthful canyon of Glacial Age, and its wide preglacial valley south of Palmer Lake is now occupied by a rather small stream (Sinlahekin Creek) which flows in the direction from the preglacial river.

Extensive deposits of glacial till and outwash now partially fill the valleys. Most of material is an unsorted mixture of boulders, gravel, sand and rock flour, with channels of stream-sorted boulders and lenses of lake sediments buried in the mass.

Within the till and outwash deposits are large basins or depressions which were once occupied by isolated masses of glacier ice. Some of these basins are now occupied by lakes such as Whitestone and Spectacle.


 | Recreation |

 | Dams Located by State | USBR Washington Dams | Pacific Northwest Region Dams |

 | Owner: Ephrata Field Office, Ephrata, Washington Tel (509) 754-0200

 | Operator: Whitestone Reclamation District, Loomis, Washington  Tel (509) 223-3295


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