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Most Recent VideoCasts 

Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Probing the Intracellular Life of Bacteria
Wednesday, March 17, 1999
Stanley Falkow, Ph. D. - Sponsored by the NIH, Office of the Director
Total Running Time: 00:59:55
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Microarray Technologies
Tuesday, March 16, 1999
Paul Meltzer (NHGRI, NIH)
Total Running Time: 01:22:00
Category: Current Topics in Genome Analysis 1999
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Role of PI3K in Cellular Regulation
Wednesday, March 10, 1999
Lewis Cantley, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
Total Running Time: 01:04:06
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible."Large Scale DNA Sequencing" - Current Topics in Genome Analysis Series
Tuesday, March 09, 1999
Jeff Touchman (NSC, NIH)
Total Running Time: 01:22:34
Category: Current Topics in Genome Analysis 1999
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Women's Health Research for the 21st Century: Breast Cancer and Breast Disease
Thursday, March 04, 1999
ORWH Women's Health Seminar Series
Total Running Time: 01:45:00
Category: Women's Health
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.A Critical Role for DNA End-Joining Protein in Both Lymphogenesis and Neurogenesis
Wednesday, March 03, 1999
Fredrick Alt, Ph. D. - Sponsored by the NIH, Office of the Director
Total Running Time: 00:55:39
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
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Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible."Radiation Hybrid Mapping" - Current Topics in Genome Analysis Series
Tuesday, March 02, 1999
Tara Matise (Rockefeller University) - Hosted by NHGRI and NCBI
Total Running Time: 01:31:44
Category: Current Topics in Genome Analysis 1999
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.A novel role for the TGF-b-1 in control of cellular energetics
Monday, March 01, 1999
NIH - Mitochondria Interest Group
Total Running Time: 00:45:29
Category: Mitochondria
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Mitochondrial and Apoptosis
Monday, March 01, 1999
NIH - Mitochondria Interest Group
Total Running Time: 00:46:39
Category: Mitochondria
Click Here to Play Video.  This video is world accessible.Visual Perception and Attention: Human Studies with Functional Neuroimaging
Wednesday, February 24, 1999
Richard Frackowiak, M.D., D.SC, FRCP
Total Running Time: 01:02:41
Category: Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
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