USDA Forest Service

RMRS - Shrub Sciences Laboratory


RMRS Shrub Sciences Laboratory
735 North 500 East
Provo, UT 84606-1856

(801) 356-5100

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.USDA LinkForest Service Link



Established in 1975, the Shrub Sciences Laboratory is a unique facility devoted principally to wildland shrub ecosystem research, the only laboratory in the world with this research mission. Of 24 broad shrub types found in the U.S., 23 occur in the West. Ideally situated to fulfill its mission, the Provo laboratory is surrounded by the 400 million acres of western United States shrublands, comprising the Rocky Mountains, Great Basin, and Colorado River Plateau.

Where is the Shrub Lab?

The Shrub Sciences Laboratory is located in Provo, Utah. This Laboratory is maintained in cooperation with Brigham Young University (BYU), and is located near the University campus. Shrub Lab employees often work in conjuction with professors, students and staff at Brigham Young University. The picture to the right shows a BYU student and a permanent employee working together in the Seed Lab. The Shrub Sciences Laboratory also has personnel who are remotely located in Boise, Idaho and Ephraim, Utah. For activities conducted by Boise please see

Great Basin Collaborative Research Opportunity

RWUD Website

USDA Forest Service - RMRS - Shrub Sciences Laboratory
Last Modified: Wednesday, 30 August 2006 at 16:50:23 EDT

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