Table 3-4: Domestic Shipments from Delaware by Truck: 1997,,,,,,, (Descending order by weight),,,,,,, State of destination,Value ($ millions),Weight (thousand short tons),,,,, Delaware,"2,177","5,047",,,,, Pennsylvania,"1,594","3,754",,,,, Maryland,690,"1,955",,,,, New Jersey,"1,490","1,836",,,,, New York,"1,272",571,,,,, Virginia,355,441,,,,, North Carolina,576,292,,,,, Georgia,782,248,,,,, California,451,195,,,,, Massachusetts,437,137,,,,, All other states,"2,592","1,127",,,,, "Total, all states","12,416","15,603",,,,, KEY: S = data do not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or other reasons.,,,,,,, "SOURCE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Commodity Flow Survey, Washington, DC: 2000, data from CD-ROM, CD-EC97-CFS.",, ,, ,, ,,