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Interpretation & Translation

The resources provided below are a sampling of links that may be useful but are not necessarily endorsed by the Department of Justice or by the Interagency Working Group on LEP.


American Association of Language Specialists

American Translators Association (ATA)

General Services Administration Language Services - Federal Supply Schedule for Language Services. State and local governments are not authorized users of the Language Services Federal Supply Schedule; however, contractors may extend the same rates to state and local governments for independent ordering. Contact schedule contractors directly for more information.

International Association of Conference Interpreters

National Center for State Courts Interpretation Page

National Virtual Translation Center


Arizona Court Interpreters Association

California Court Interpreters Association

National Association of Judicial Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT)

National Center for State Courts -- a contractor to the Administrative Office of the United States Courts which has the authority over the Federal Court interpreter Certification program

State of California Master List of Certified Court Interpreters of Designated Languages and Registered Interpreters of Nondesignated Languages


California Health Care Interpreters Association
CHIA is dedicated to increasing equal access to health care services by developing and promoting the healthcare interpretater profession, advocating for culturally and linguistically appropriate services, and providing education and training to healthcare professionals. Note the publication Standards for Healthcare Interpreters: Ethical Principles, Protocols, and Guidance on Roles and Intervention.

Cross Cultural Health Care Program
CCHCP addresses broad cultural and linguistic issues that impact the health of racial and ethnic communities through cultural competence training, interpreter training, research projects, community coalition building, and other services.

Diversity RX
DiversityRX is dedicated to promoting language and cultural competence to improve the quality of health care for minority, immigrant, and ethnically diverse communities.

Hablamos Juntos
Hablamos Juntos is dedicated to improving patient-provider communication for Latinos. It is a national program funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

International Medical Interpreters Association
MMIA is committed to equal access to quality health care for all people and to the advancement of professional medical interpreting.

Minnesota Medical Association: Language Assisted Interpreter Services
MMA provides physician membership with a summary of responsibilities under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with regard to Limited English Proficiency, including a summary of principles established in the Department of Health and Human Services" Policy Guidance published on August 30, 2000.

National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC)
NCIHC is dedicated to promoting culturally competent professional health care interpreting as a means to support equal access to health care services for individuals with limited English proficiency.

Society of Medical Interpreters
SOMI promotes professionalism and excellence in interpretive services to enhance the provision of health and social services to individuals with limited English proficiency.


Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters (CATI)

Community and Court Interpreters of the Ohio Valley (CCIO)

Delaware Valley Translators Association (DVTA)

Mid-America Chapter of American Translators Association (MICATA)

Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters (MATI)

National Capital Area Chapter of the ATA (NCATA)

New England Translators Association

Northeast Ohio Translators Association (NOTA)

Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society (NOTIS)



Arizona Court Interpreters Association


California Health Care Interpreters Association (CHIA)

California Court Interpreters Association (CCIA)

Master List of Certified Court Interpreters of Designated Languages and Registered Interpreters of Nondesignated Languages (state of California)

Northern California Translators Association (NCTA)


Colorado Translators Association (CTA)

Colorado Association of Professional Interpreters (CAPI)


Florida Chapter of the American Translators Association (FLATA)


Atlanta Association of Interpreters and Translators

Medical Interpreter Network of Georgia (MING)


Hawaii Interpreters and Translators Association (HITA)


Chicago Area Translators and Interpreters Association (CHICATA)


Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters (MATI)


Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association (IITA)


Kentucky Translators and Interpreters Association (KTIA)
Tel: (502) 548-3988


Association of Maine Interpreters and Translators (AMIT)

Guidelines for Determination of Eligibility for Court-Appointed Interpretation and Translation Services
Maine Supreme Judicial Court


Massachusetts Medical Interpreters Association (MMIA)


Michigan Translators/Interpreters Network (MiTiN)


Minnesota Judicial Branch webpage with links to Adobe and Word documents for Court Rules

Minnesota Medical Association: Language Assisted Interpreter Services

Minnesota Rule of Criminal Procedure concerning interpreters during criminal trial (See Rule 26.03 Subd. 16)

Minnesota Statutes describing when interpreters are required and how they are qualified to interpret for LEP persons in civil and criminal proceedings


Saint Louis Translators and Interpreters Network (SLTIN)
P.O. Box 3722, Ballwin, MO 63022-3722
(314) 394-5334

New Jersey

New Jersey Court Interpreting Services - New Jersey Judiciary

New Mexico

New Mexico Translators & Interpreters Association (NMTIA)

New York

Interpreters Office for the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York

Multicultural Association of Medical Interpreters of Central New York (MAMI)

New York Circle of Translators (NYCT)

North Carolina

Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters


Northeast Ohio Translators Association (NOTA)


Court Interpreting Services- Oregon Courts

Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society (NOTIS)

Oregon Court Interpreter Certification Rules

State of Oregon Statutes pertaining to the provision of qualified interpreters to LEP individuals under the sub-heading "Interpreters"

South Carolina

Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters


Tennessee Association of Professional Interpreters and Translators (TAPIT)


Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association (AATIA)

Houston Interpreters and Translators Association (HITA)

Metroplex Interpreters and Translators Association (MITA)

Texas Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (TAJIT)


Court Interpreters - Washington Courts

Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society (NOTIS)

Washington State Court Interpreters and Translators (WITS)


Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters (MATIATA)

Interpreter and Translator Training and Certification Programs

American Translators Association Certification Program

California Court Interpreter Examination

Consortium for State Court Interpreter Certification
National Center for State Courts

Federal Court Interpreter Program

National Association of Judiciary Intepreters and Translators Certification Examination

National Center for Interpretation - University of Arizona