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Language Services

Language Services Section

The Language Services Section supports the Judiciary's goal of ensuring that persons with limited English proficiency (LEP) have equal access to the courts and support services.

Language Services seeks to improve court interpreter services by coordinating the court interpreter testing program; developing and implementing polices in related areas, and performing administrative tasks such as managing statistics, providing the Registry of Interpreting Resources and piloting new ways of enhancing delivery of interpreting services. For more information about the court interpreter program, please contact:

Robert Joe Lee, Court Executive
Language Services Section
Administrative Office of the Courts
P.O. Box 988
Trenton, NJ 08625-0988
E mail: Language_Services.Mailbox@judiciary.state.nj.us

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General Information

Provides links to Interpreter/Bilingual Job Opportunites within the NJ Judicary, Key Managers of interpreting services, and a List of Languages.

Becoming a NJ Court Interpreter in a Spoken Language

Provides information for those seeking to become a NJ Court interpreter in a spoken langage, as well as some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Becoming a NJ Court Interpreter in a Sign or Visual Language

Provides information for those seeking to become a NJ Court interpreter in ASL, as well as some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Finding Work as a Staff or Contract Interpreter

Provides information and links for those who have met the qualifications to work as a NJ court interpreter.

Registering an Agency

Provides information for those seeking to register an agency to deliver on-site or telephone interpreting services.

Links to Important Resources

Links to additional resources on the web.

Registry of Interpreting Resources

Provides an overview of the registry of interpreters, a listing of Freelance Interpreters, agencies for on-site services, agencies for telephone interpreting and a resource for identifying languages.

Resources for Interpreters

Provides information about finding work, updating one's registration with the Judiciary, and resources for professional development.

Information for Registered Interpreters and Agencies

Provides information specific to existing registered interpreters and agencies.

Telephone Interpreting

Provides Operational Standards for Telephone Interpreting, as well as Manuals for Judges, Managers who coordinate interpreting services, and Interpreters.

Policies and Procedures Regarding Interpreting Services

Provides information on policies relating to All courts, Superior Courts Only, and Municipal Courts Only.


Provides Interpreter workload statistics and additional links for Demographic Statistics re Linguistic Minorities.
Language Services Forms
Ensuring Equal Access for LEP Persons
According to the 2000 census, one of every four persons residing in New Jersey speaks a language other than English at home, up from one out of every five persons in 1990. Many of these persons need the assistance of interpreters when they appear in court as parties or witnesses if they are going to participate meaningfully in those proceedings. In the first year for which statistics were available, court year 1996-1997, interpreters were needed in Superior Court for over 45,000 events in forty-six languages. By Court Year 2006-2007, the volume of interpreted proceedings almost doubled to 86,765 events. (more...)
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