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EPA Information on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) or non hazardous waste landfills can be viewed by going to
http://www.epa.gov/msw/disposal.htm EPA Publications dealing with MSW landfills can be accessed by going
to http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/non-hw/muncpl/landfill/index.htm


For State information on their Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Programs go to the following sites:

Delaware Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Maryland Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Pennsylvania Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
Virginia Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer
West Virginia Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer


The EPA regulations (40 CFR 258) are listed on our web site at
http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/cfrhtml_00/Title_40/40cfr258_00.html Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer and prescribe six categories of criteria for municipal solid waste landfills:

4)Ground-water monitoring and corrective action
5)Closure and post-closure care
6)Financial assurance

Owners/operators are responsible for reviewing the criteria to determine which of the provisions apply to their landfill(s). (Owners/operators should refer to EPA's Technical Manual for Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria for details.) They should also bear in mind that state or tribal programs might include provisions that do not mirror the federal provisions discussed below. Owners/operators are therefore encouraged to work with their state and tribal regulators in complying with the regulations. For a detailed discussion of the EPA municipal solid waste landfill criteria, see EPA Landfill Criteria.

You can view the 40 CFR Part 258 EPA regulations for MSW landfills by going to http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/cfrhtml_00/Title_40/40cfr258_00.html Exit EPA Click for Disclaimer


VIRGINIA -The first state in the nation to receive a tentative (partial) approval, in August 1992. Their final partial approval was published in the Federal Register on February 3, 1993. A second final partial approval, approving additional portions of their program, was issued by EPA on March 28, 1994. All portions of the Virginia program are currently approved, except for financial assurance. Virginia is currently in the
process of revising their financial assurance regulations and is planning to apply to EPA for full approval of their program in early 2002.

DELAWARE -The first state in Region 3 to receive final approval of their full MSW landfill permitting program, it was published on March 4, 1994.

PENNSYLVANIA -The second state in Region 3 to receive final approval of their full MSW landfill permitting program, their approval was published on June 9, 1994.

MARYLAND -The final partial approval of the majority of the Maryland program was published in the Federal Register on August 2, 1995. All portions of their program were approved except for financial assurance, which required legislative action, and the revision of existing regulations. After these actions, Maryland intends to apply this year for full EPA approval of their program.

WEST VIRGINIA -A tentative determination to approve a portion of the West Virginia MSW landfill permitting program was published in the Federal Register on March 8, 1996. A final determination for this partial approval was published on March 29, 2000. West Virginia received full final approval of their Solid Waste Management program in a Federal Register Notice of June 12, 2000, which became effective August 11, 2000.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA -The District currently has no operating MSW landfills, and does not expect to have any in the future. Therefore, a review and approval of their MSW landfill permitting program by EPA is not necessary.

Region 3 The Mid-Atlantic States

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