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PURPOSE: To foster integrated solid waste management in Mid-Atlantic States.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: States, territories, local governments, and nonprofits.

AMOUNT OF INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: From $5,000 - $50,000 in grant funds.


$100,000 in 2006
$ 44,970 in 2005
$ 12,400 in 2004
$ 30,000 in 2003
$ 26,900 in 2002
$ 81,100 in 2001
$ 57,000 in 2000
$ 46,400 in 1999
$325,000 in 1998
$185,000 in 1997
$200,000 in 1996
$240,000 in 1995
$280,000 in 1994


PRIORITIES: The following are the priority areas for EPA Mid-Atlantic solid waste team:

Market development for recycling
Source reduction/reuse
Technical Assistance/Information dissemination
Improving collection or disposal of solid waste
Foster Integrated Solid Waste Management in Region

MEASURABLE RESULTS: Degree of success in diverting wastes and/or increasing recycling, or improving disposal.

Regional Contact - Names and Numbers

Mike Giuranna
EPA Region 3 (3WC21)
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
215-814-3298 Fax 215-814-3163



1. Only state and local governments and non-profit organizations are eligible for funding. Profit making companies/organizations are not eligible.

2. The purchase of large equipment is not eligible.

3. The amount of money available to each regional office is very limited. We currently award only 4-6 grants per year in the entire six state area of Region 3. The amount of our grants average $5,000-25,000, and do not require a grantee match.

4. The objective of the project should be to promote the use of integrated solid waste management systems to solve municipal solid waste management problems and management problems at the local, regional and national levels. This includes the development and promotion of methods to reduce and recycle solid wastes, and their safe disposal.

5. We fund grant projects based primarily on national EPA priorities, while taking regional priorities into account. For example, current national priorities include recycling market development and municipal solid waste minimization.

6. The type of activities we fund include studies, workshops, educational outreach materials, the startup of new programs, recycling market development and, other similar projects. All projects must have measurable deliverables. Innovation and the potential for the results of the grant to be duplicated elsewhere are also important review factors.


Because of the small size of our grant program, we do not always issue a general solicitation for grant proposals. We select grantees based on recommendations from our state and local agency counterparts, our previous experience and knowledge of successful federal or state grantees, and from a file of interested

If someone would like to be added to our file of interested applicants and/or be added to our mailing list to receive our general grant solicitations when issued, they need to submit their name and address to the regional office along with the following:

a. Description of the applicant - describe the size and type of your organization, as well as current and past relevant projects
that you have done, if any.

b. Description of the potential project-a brief, one page, description of the type of project for which you are interested in receiving funding.

Send this information to:

RCRA Solid Waste Grant Program
EPA Region 3 (3WC21)
1650 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

If the potential applicant is determined to be not eligible or the proposed project not appropriate for EPA funding, the applicant will be so notified. Otherwise, the applicant's proposal will be considered in the next annual grant cycle. The grant review process, including negotiations, usually takes from 3-6 months. The project period funded is usually 12-18 months. Grant applications are usually submitted in the spring of each year, and grants are usually awarded during the summer.

Additional solid waste grant sources may be researched through the FirstGov site at http://www.cfda.gov/federalcommons/environmental.html

Region 3 The Mid-Atlantic States

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