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Recycling and Reusing Your Old Computer - Video

National Information

In a television commerical produced by the Maryland Department of the Environment and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Mid-Atlantic eCycling Program encourages you to look for ways to recycle or reuse your old computer equipment. For more information, contact your State environmental protection agency.

Movie Projector
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A text transcript of the eCycling streaming video is also available.

To view the eCycling video in one of the formats mentioned above, you must have that player on your computer. A recent version of a player can be downloaded to your computer by going to a web site mentioned below.

RealPlayer Exit EPA Click for disclaimer.
Microsoft Windows Media
 Exit EPA Click for disclaimer.
Apple QuickTime Exit EPA Click for disclaimer.

Please direct any questions or comments about the eCycling program to Dan Gallo at   gallo.dan@epa.gov

Region 3 The Mid-Atlantic States

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