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Case Studies

Strategic Planning Process to Address Tobacco-Related Disparities in Idaho


Implementation Level


What is the policy and/or program intervention designed to do?

The strategic planning process was designed to result in a statewide strategic plan for addressing and eliminating tobacco-related disparities in Idaho. The process was designed to produce a plan created by representatives of the populations affected insuring that communities felt ownership of the strategic plan and that their needs were addressed.

Explain the implementation of the policy and/or program intervention.

In 2001, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention commissioned a special effort with regard to the fourth goal area of the national tobacco prevention and control program: identifying and eliminating tobacco-related disparities among population groups. Nationally, this has been the most difficult goal area to address. Funding of $45,000 was provided to Idaho to become a cooperative partner with CDC to act as a pilot state in developing a strategic plan to identify and address disparities. The strategic plan and the process adopted to create it were to be used as a model for other states.




Page last modified 07/25/2007