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Most Recent Publications

FLICC Publications
  • FLICC Newsletters

  • FLICC Annual Reports
  • FLICC Forum on Federal Information Policy
    • 2001
      Preserving Our Federal Heritage in the Digital Era (Library of Congress Bulletin, May 2001)
    • 2000
      Government Futures: Impact of Information Advances in the 21st Century
    • 1999
      Copyright, Electronic Works, and Federal Libraries: Maintaining Equilibrium
    • 1997
      Clear Signals? Telecommunications, Convergence, and the Quality of Information
    • 1996
      The Public's Information: Striking a Balance Between Access and Control
    • 1995
      The Lifecycle of Government Information: Challenges of Electronic Innovation

  • Annotated Guide to Federal Librarian Classification Standards
    These files in are WordPerfect 5.1 format. SHIFT-CLICK on link below, then use your browser's SAVE AS feature to save the file.
  • FLICC Symposium on the Federal Information Professional
    • Proceedings 1997
      End User Training and Support: A Role for Librarians
    • Proceedings 1996
      Dangerous Liaisons? Partnering With Computer Professionals to Create Digital Information Services
    • Proceedings 1995
      Getting the Word Out: Marketing Your Library's Information Services
    • Proceedings 1993
      Federal Librarians in the 21st Century: Changing Roles in the Electronic Age

FEDLINK Publications


FLICC/FEDLINK Educational Materials

  • fedlib
    Federal Librarians' Discussion List
  • fedcat-l
    FEDLINK Cataloging Peer Council Discussion List
  • fedlibit
    Federal Librarians' Information Technology Discussion List
  • fedref-l
    Federal Reference Librarians' Discussion List
  • OCLCfed
    FEDLINK OCLC Network Discussion List

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