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Cognitive Disorders and Delirium (PDQ®)
Patient Version   Health Professional Version   En español   Last Modified: 09/22/2008


Causes of Cognitive Disorders and Delirium

Effects of Cognitive Disorders and Delirium on the Patient, Family, and Healthcare Providers

Diagnosis of Cognitive Disorders and Delirium

Treatment of Delirium

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Causes of Cognitive Disorders and Delirium

Cognitive disorders and delirium may be complications of cancer and cancer treatment, especially in people with advanced cancer.

In patients with cancer, cognitive disorders and delirium may be due to the direct effects that cancer has on the brain, such as the pressure of a growing tumor. Cognitive disorders and delirium may also be caused by indirect effects of cancer or its treatment, including the following:

Risk factors for delirium include having a serious disease and having more than one disease.

Other conditions besides having cancer may place a patient at risk for developing delirium. Risk factors include the following:

Early identification of risk factors may help prevent the onset of delirium or may reduce the length of time it takes to correct it.

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