Electronic Information Retrieval Services

Request for Proposal (RFP)

This request for proposal (RFP) is for acquisition of or access to commercial off-the-shelf electronic information retrieval services, including: online database services, CD-ROMs and other fixed media electronic publications, gateway services, electronic journals and other electronic databases/publications, and document delivery services. Vendors who meet the requirements specified in the RFP and who are awarded a Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) by the Library of Congress may offer products and services through the FEDLINK program to federal libraries and other offices of the US federal government.

The RFP outlines the scope of the program, requirements for submitting proposals, and terms under which LC/FEDLINK will conduct business with selected vendors. Contacts for further information are also provided. The solicitation is offered in WordPerfect format.

Vendor proposals in response to this solicitation are due not later than noon, Thursday, September 10, 1998.

Download Instructions:

SHIFT-CLICK on the file you want, then use your browser's "Save As" function to save the file to your system. Once the file is saved to disk you can load it into your word processor. Beacuse total number of pages in the RFP will depend on your software and printer settings, in order for you to be sure you've downloaded the entire document, the last page of the RFP is marked "This is the last page of the solicitation."


Please direct questions about RFP 99-1 to the FEDLINK contracting officers at the Library of Congress Contracts & Logistics Services section, (202) 707-0461.

Please direct technical questions or problems with downloading these files to

LCLibrary of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk
FLICCFederal Library and
Information Center Committee
