Video Presentation

Discussion Series:
Reference/Citation Linking in the Federal Government

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Many libraries have moved from just posting Web pages to providing links to full content and links in between databases. Join the FLICC Information Technology Working Group for a discussion of reference linking with moderator James King, Naval Research Laboratory, and guests Barbara Nekoba, DTIC, and Gail Hodge, CENDI. Learn about the latest technology (SFX, OpenURL, DOI, etc.) and hear how some Federal organizations are already using these technologies.

For 56kb viewers:                                                  For High Speed LAN Viewers

Video Segment One               James King              Video Segment One               
Video Segment Two              Barbara Nekoba      Video Segment Two
Video Segment Three            Gail Hodge               Video Segment Three

Presented at the FLICC Discussion Series on Web Topics on May 21, 2001. Join the Info Tech Working Group Web Bulletin Board to post or review IT-related questions on this topic and others. The Web Bulletin Board is similar to a listserv discussion, only messages and responses are posted to the Web, not distributed via email.

For more information on this or any series, or to send comments or questions, please send email to

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