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Appendix A. Summary of FY 2001 Performance Goals and Measures

Strategic Goal: Prepared Workforce -- Enhanced Opportunities for America’s Workforce

Outcome Goal 1.1 -- Increase employment, earnings, and assistance FY 2001 Performance Goals

A. Of those Welfare-to-Work (WtW) participants placed in unsubsidized employment, 66% will remain in the workforce for six months with 6% average earnings increase by the second consecutive quarter following placement.

B. Of those registered under the WIA adult program, 76% will be employed in the third quarter after program exit, with increased average earnings of $3,600.

C. 76% of job seekers registered by the Wagner-Peyser Act funding stream will have unsubsidized jobs six months after initial entry into employment (Six Month Retention Rate)

D. Increase by 10 percent, the total number of job openings listed with the public employment service, including both those listed with State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) and those listed directly with America's Job Bank (AJB) via the Internet.

E. Increase by 5% the number of people with disabilities served and increase by 2 percentage points the rate of unsubsidized employment (entered employment rate) in the local Workforce Investment Area.

F. During the initial year of funding, at least 100 grants will be awarded and 40,000 non-custodial fathers and 40,000 working poor families enrolled in the Fathers Work–Families Win initiative.

G. Increase by 6% the number of newly registered female apprentices over the end of the FY 1999 baseline.

H. 66% of participants will be satisfied with services received from workforce investment activities.

I. 61% of employers will be satisfied with services received from workforce investment activities.

J. Increase by 10% the number of women prepared for the labor force by providing them with tools and education on equal pay, occupational segregation, pension benefits, dependent care, diverse nontraditional occupations, safe and healthy workplaces, and their rights in the workplace. (From 25,000 to 27,500)

K. 27% of those veterans and other eligible persons registering for public labor exchange core services will enter employment each year through assistance provided by VETS' funded staff and the Wagner-Peyser funded systems.

L. At least 50% of those veterans and other eligible persons enrolled in Homeless Veteran Reintegration Project grants enter employment.

Outcome Goal 1.2 - Increase the Number of Youth Making A Successful Transition to Work

A. Of the 14-18 year-old youth registered under the WIA youth program, 50% will be either employed, in advanced training, post-secondary education, military service or apprenticeships in the third quarter after program exit.

B. Of the 19-21 year-old youth registered under the WIA youth program, 70% will be employed in the third quarter after program exit.

C. 85% of Job Corps graduates will get jobs with entry average hourly wages of $7.25 or be enrolled in education; 70% will continue to be employed or enrolled in education six months after their initial placement date. (Placement and Retention). D. 70% of Youth Opportunity Grant participants placed in employment, the military, advanced training, post-secondary education, or apprenticeships will be retained at six months.

E. In 25 communities, Youth Councils will build local partnerships with business, community organizations, and schools to improve opportunities for at-risk youth.

F. 65% of Responsible Reintegration for Young Offender program graduates will get jobs, re-enroll in high school, or be enrolled in post-secondary education or training.

Outcome Goal 1.3 - Improve the Effectiveness of information and Analysis on the U.S. Economy

Outcome Goal 1.3 - Improve the Effectiveness of information and Analysis on the U.S. Economy FY 2001 Performance Goals

A. Produce and disseminate timely, accurate, and relevant economic information

B. Improve the accuracy, efficiency, and relevancy of economic measures.

Strategic Goal -- A Secure Workforce -- Promote the Economic Security of Workers and Families
Outcome Goal FY 2001 Performance Goals
2.1 Increase Compliance with Worker Protection Laws

A. Increase compliance with labor standards laws and regulations including young workers by 5% in the San Francisco and New York City garment industry; by 10% in the agricultural commodities of cucumber, onion, tomato, and lettuce; and by 5% in the residential health care industry (assisted living facilities). Establish baseline in meatpacking.

B. Increase child labor compliance (by___% over the FY 2000 baselines) in the restaurant and grocery industries where data indicate that the risk of serious injury of young workers is greatest.

C. Increase child labor compliance (by ____% over the FY 2000 baselines) among FY 2000 employers previously investigated in the restaurant and grocery industries where data indicates that the risk of serious injury of young workers is greatest.

D. Increase compliance by 5% among employers, which were previous violators, and the subject of repeat investigations in the New York City garment industry; the agricultural commodities of tomato, lettuce, cucumber, and onion; and in the targeted residential health care industry (assisted living facilities). Establish baseline in meatpacking and maintain a 90% compliance rate in the San Francisco garment industry.

E. Achieve timely union reporting such that a minimum of 88% of unions with annual receipts greater than $200,000 that timely file union annual financial reports for public disclosure access.

F. Increase by 2.5% per year the number of closed fiduciary investigations of employee pension plans where assets are restored, prohibited transactions are corrected, participant benefits are recovered, or plan assets are protected from mismanagement and risk of future loss is reduced.

G. Increase by 2.5% per year the number of closed fiduciary investigations of employee health and welfare plans where assets are restored, prohibited transactions are corrected, participant benefits are recovered, or plan assets are protected from mismanagement and risk of future loss is reduced.

Strategic Goal -- A Secure Workforce -- Promote the Economic Security of Workers and Families
Outcome Goal FY 2001 Performance Goals
2.2 Protect Worker Benefits

Outcome Goal 2.2 Protect Worker Benefits FY 2001 Performance Goals

A. Unemployed workers receive fair UI benefit eligibility determinations and timely benefit payments:

1) Increase to 26 the number of states meeting or exceeding the minimum performance criterion for benefit adjudication quality.

2) Increase to 48 the number of States meeting or exceeding the Secretary's Standard (minimum performance criterion) for intrastate payment timeliness.

B. Increase by 2% benefit recoveries achieved through the assistance of Pension Benefit Advisors.

C. Increase by 1% the number of workers who are covered by a pension plan sponsored by their employer, particularly women, minorities and workers in small businesses.

D. Return Federal employees to work following an injury as early as appropriate indicated by a 2% reduction from the FY 2000 baseline in the average number of productions days lost due to disability for all cases.

E. Produce $95 million in cumulative first-year savings (FY 1999-2001) through Periodic Roll Management.

F. In the FECA program, reduce the overall average medical service cost per case (adjusted for inflation) by .5%. Reduce the average annual cost for (condition type) cases by x% through focus reviews of services charged.

G. Each area of the country will be surveyed for all four types of construction at least every three years, and the resulting wage determinations validly represent locally prevailing wages/benefits. In FY2001, if a Davis-Bacon reengineering approach is pursued, complete development of all aspects of a reengineered system. If a Davis-Bacon reinvention approach is pursued, implement all necessary changes.

H. Reduce by 1 year the average time frame to send final, accurate benefit determinations to participants in defined benefit pension plans taken over by PBGC.

2.3 Increase Employment and Earnings for Retrained Workers

A. By 2001, of those registered under the WIA dislocated worker program, 76% will be employed in the first quarter after program exit, and 81% will be employed in the third quarter after program exit with 100% of pre-dislocation earnings.

B. Upon exit from the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) or NAFTA Transitional Adjustment Assistance (NAFTA-TAA) programs, 73% will be employed in the third quarter after exit with 82% of the total pre-dislocation earnings.

C. During the initial year of funding, an estimated 30 grants serving an estimated 20,000 participants will be awarded for the incumbent workers initiative.

Strategic Goal 3 -- Quality Workplaces: Foster Quality Workplaces That Are Safe, Healthy, and Fair

Outcome Goals FY 2001 Performance Goals

3.1 Reduce Workplace Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities

A. Reduce the number of mine fatalities and non-fatal injury rate to below the average for the previous five years.

B. Reduce by 5% the percentage of coal dust and silica dust samples that are out of compliance for coal mines and metal and nonmetal high risk mining occupations, respectively.

C. Reduce three of the most significant types of workplace injuries and causes of illnesses by 11%.

D. Reduce injuries/illnesses by 11% in 5 industries characterized by high-hazard workplaces.

E. Reduce injuries and illnesses (LWDII) by 20% in at least 75,000 workplaces where an intervention is initiated

. F. Decrease fatalities in the construction industry by 11% by focusing on the four leading causes of fatalities (falls, struck-by, crushed-by, and electrocutions and electrical injuries).

G. Reduce injuries and illnesses by 15% at work sites engaged in voluntary, cooperative relationships with DOL.

3.2 Foster Equal Opportunity Workplaces

A. Increase by 5% (over FY 2000 performance) the number of Federal contractors brought into compliance with the EEO provisions of federal contracts via OFCCP's compliance evaluation procedures.

B. To increase compliance with the equal employment opportunity requirements among Federal contractors, establish a baseline by the end of FY 2001 to measure the effectiveness of OFCCP's education, technical assistance and outreach efforts. C. To narrow the wage gap for protected groups within the Federal contractor reporting community, establish a baseline by the end of FY 2001 to identify wage disparities.

D. All DOL national and state level programs financially assisted under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) are in compliance with all applicable civil rights laws and regulations.

3.3 Support a Greater Balance between Work and Family

A. By 2001, the number of states with registered child care apprenticeship programs will increase to 49 and the number of new child care apprentices will increase by 20% over FY 2000

B. Increase by 50% the number of small and mid-sized employers who made their work places family-friendly.

3.4 Reduce Exploitation of Child Labor and Address Core International Labor Standards

A. Progressively reduce exploitative child labor worldwide by increasing international support and funding the most promising programs and projects in targeted countries.

B. Raise workers' protection and the safety of work places in selected countries by improving core labor standards and social safety net programs.

Departmental Management Summary Performance Goals and Measures

Outcome Goals FY 2001 Performance Goals

Maintain the Integrity and Stewardship of the Department's Financial Resources FY 2001 Performance Goals

FM1. The majority of DOL financial systems meet the standards set in the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (FFMIA) and the Government Management Reform Act (GMRA).

FM2. DOL meets all new accounting standards issued by the Federal Accounting Systems Advisory Board (FASAB) including the Managerial Cost Accounting Standard.

Improve Organizational Performance and Communication through Effective Deployment of IT Resources FY 2001 Performance Goals

Increase integration of DOL IT systems and extend access to automated services.

Establish DOL as a Model Workplace

A. Recruit, develop and retain a highly competent and diverse workforce to support the accomplishment of the DOL mission by:

a) Attract a diverse, highly competent applicant pool of candidates.
b) Provide lifelong learning programs and services to support mission accomplishment.
c) Implement and expand model workplace initiatives to enhance morale and retention rates.

B. Maintain organizational commitment and pro-active effort to improving health and safety in the workplace.

C. All DOL agencies are in compliance with applicable Civil Rights laws and regulations

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