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Kids Saving Energy - Games, tips, and facts just for kids who want to save energy
Kids Saving Energy - Home
Learn How To Save Energy with Tinker Bell and Her Friends
About Renewable Energy.
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Fun Energy quiz.
Parents and Teachers
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Energy. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
My Energy Smart Home
Simple Ways to Make Your Home Energy Smart!
Illustration of a light switch with the words 'Turn It Off.' On rollover, the text reads, 'When you're done with a light, TV, stereo, or anything else that uses electricity, turn it off to save energy.'
Illustration of a thermostat set at 68 degrees, with the words, 'Be warm-not hot.' On rollover, the text reads, 'Keep the thermostat below 68 degrees Farenheit in the winter - and your parents will save by running the heating system less!.'
Illustration of a door with the words, 'Keep it Closed.' On rollover, the text reads, 'Close doors to your home, the refrigerator, and the oven. The air conditioner won't work so hard to cool your house, and your appliances will use less energy to do their jobs!'
Illustration showing the blue ENERGY STAR logo with a magnifying glass on it. The text reads, 'Look for the Label.' On rollover, the text reads, 'Help your parents shop for energy saving appliances! Look for the ENERGY STAR label on things like refrigerators, washers, and dishwashers.'
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