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Transportation Needs Report (TNR)

›› Transportation Needs Report 2008 – Executive Recommended

About the TNR

The TNR is a list of improvements recommended by the King County Road Services Division and approved by the Metropolitan King County Council to serve unincorporated King County's transportation needs, projected to the year 2022. The TNR includes projects in unincorporated King County as well as accounting for significant projects in cities, adjacent counties, and on state highways. Projects that are anticipated due to regional growth and development are also covered in the TNR.

Schedule for updating the TNR

The schedule for updating the TNR coordinates with major updates to King County’s Comprehensive Plan. Beginning with the 2004 TNR, the update cycle coincides with the Comprehensive Plan’s four-year, major amendment cycles. In 2006, the TNR was transmitted to Council for adoption with the Comprehensive Plan amendments instead of following later as has been the custom. If it becomes necessary, interim updates can be developed for the TNR and transmitted with the annual Comprehensive Plan technical amendments. The 2006 update of the TNR marks the first technical amendment between the four-year major updates for the TNR.

Differences between the TNR and Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

The CIP differs from the TNR in that the CIP contains projects which have some degree of funding associated with them. The CIP is updated annually, while the vast majority of TNR projects are currently unfunded. The TNR operates in the long-term time frame of the Comprehensive Plan, while the CIP covers the next six years of expected funding. The TNR was submitted to the County Council for review in March, 2006, before the 2007-2012 CIP was developed, so it is lacking some recent project details and possibly some projects. If you are interested in the list of funded transportation projects, please refer to the CIP Web site.

Policy directives

The TNR is a component of the King County Comprehensive Plan.

The TNR fulfills state requirements as specified in the Growth Management Act.

Contact information

Please contact the King County Road Service Division at 206-296-6590 if you have any questions.

Project manager:

David Gualtieri
Transportation Planner IV
Road Services Division
King County Department of Transportation
201 South Jackson Street
MS KSC-TR-0317
Seattle WA 98104–3856
Telephone: 206–263–4704
Fax: 206-263-0566

Updated: Sept 10, 2008

View the 2006 update of the 2004 report

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King County
Department of Transportation
Road Services Division
201 S. Jackson St., Seattle, WA 98104
206-296-6590 or 1-800-527-6237
TTY: 711 Relay Service

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206-296-8100 or 1-800-527-6237

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