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Morning Report for December 15, 1999

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         DECEMBER 15, 1999

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Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-99-0111
Abb Combustion Engineering Nuc Pwr     Date: 12/15/99

Subject: Part 21 - ABB 4-kV Vacuum Circuit Breakers Fail to Close        
         on Demand                                                       


In 1999, ABB/CENP supplied Model VHK-R 4-kV retrofit vacuum circuit      
breakers to Baltimore Gas and Electric's (BG&E) Calvert Cliffs Nuclear   
Power Plant to replace existing GE Magne-Blast horizontal draw-out       
circuit breakers. The vacuum breakers were manufactured by ABB Power T&D 
Company, in Florence, South Carolina. The truck assemblies (to which the 
vacuum interrupter is attached, so that it fits in the GE switchgear)    
were designed and built by ABB Service Company's Product Development     
Group (PDG), in Cleveland, Ohio. ABB/CENP dedicated these                
commercial-grade retrofit breakers for safety-related applications.      
In March 1999, during pre-installation testing at the Calvert Cliffs     
site, some of the breakers would intermittently go trip free when        
attempting to close. One of the breakers was returned to the PDG facility
in Cleveland, Ohio, for evaluation. Without performing a detailed root   
cause analysis, the vendor determined that the most probable cause of the
problem was interference between a guide pin and the extension trip rod  
(part of the rack-out interlock mechanism). Since the guide pin was      
designed to act as a guide for the trip rods in larger 13.8-kV breakers, 
and was not needed for the 4-kV breakers, the vendor removed the guide   
pin to prevent interference with the extension trip rod. After           
successfully testing several modified retrofit breakers at the ABB's     
Cleveland shop, they were shipped to Calvert Cliffs. During              
pre-installation testing, three of them experienced intermittent trip    
free operations.                                                         
The breakers were returned to PDG . An extensive root cause analysis was 
performed to determine the cause of the trip free operations, and several
contributing factors that affected the extension trip rod performance    
were identified. The vendor modified the extension trip rod and its      
mounting assembly to preclude further interference with the trip latch.  
BG&E is the first nuclear customer to order ABB horizontal draw-out      
retrofit vacuum circuit breakers to replace GE Magne-Blast breakers.     
Therefore, the NRC does not consider this issue to be a generic concern  
for other licensees. Additional details concerning this issue will be    
documented in the upcoming NRC Inspection Report 99900401/1999202.       
Contacts:   Dave Skeen, NRR             Stephen Alexander, NRR           
            301-415-1174                301-415-2995                     
            E-mail:         E-mail:              
            Kamal Naidu, NRR                                             
HEADQUARTERS      MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          DEC. 15, 1999
MR Number: H-99-0111 (cont.)
