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Morning Report for August 3, 1999

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         AUGUST 03, 1999

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS        X                                      
REGION I                               X                   
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III                             X                   
REGION IV           X                                      

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-99-0066
Whiting                                Date: 08/03/99

Subject: Part 21 - Potential overstressed condition in hoisting Crane    


VENDOR: Whiting                     PT21 FILE NO: 99-28-0                
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 04/27/99          ACCESSION NUMBER: 9905120290         
SOURCE DOCUMENT: LETTER             REVIEWER: REXB, C. Petrone           
NEW ISSUE. The crane vendor Whiting Corporation reports that analysis of 
the main hoist on a crane similar to those in nuclear service has        
identified some over stressed conditions. This crane with the over       
stressed condition is a Whiting "Tiger Design" line crane with main hoist
capacities from 75 tons to 240 tons. Some of these cranes were purchased 
in the 1960's and 1970's by nuclear utilities for use as reactor building
cranes. Whiting stated that potentially affected cranes had been         
identified by serial number and that the owners of these cranes had been 
notified by letter. Whiting also stated that they are continuing to      
review records of other cranes to identify other potential candidates for
Whiting recommended that owners of suspect cranes should derate their    
main hoist capacity by 50 percent until an analysis of the crane can be  
completed. Completion of analysis for the first two cranes indicated that
no modifications were needed. However, the adequacy of the remaining     
cranes can not be assured until an individual analysis is completed on   
each crane. The auxiliary hoist is not affected by this condition and can
continue to be used without restriction.                                 

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Part 21 Database                       MR Number: H-99-0067
Westinghouse                           Date: 08/03/99

Subject: Part 21 - Safety-related W2 control switch would not            
         work after installation                                         


VENDOR: Westinghouse                PT21 FILE NO: 99-29-0                
DATE OF DOCUMENT: 05/27/99          ACCESSION NUMBER:                    
SOURCE DOCUMENT: LETTER             REVIEWER: REXB, D. Skeen             
NEW ISSUE. The Ginna licensee reports that a safety-related W2 control   
switch drawn from warehouse stock did not operate satisfactorily after   
being installed in the main control board as the control switch for a    
safety injection pump. The switch, which operated properly before being  
installed in the control board, would bind and fail to spring return to  
either the "after close" or "after trip" position after installation. The
licensee returned it to the vendor, Westinghouse, for a failure mode     
assessment and 10 CFR Part 21 evaluation to determine if the switch was  
deficient at the time of manufacture. The evaluation is expected to be   
completed by October 1, 1999.                                            
REGION IV  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  3          AUGUST  3, 1999

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Agreement State Licensee               MR Number: 4-99-0022
Trutec                                 Date: 08/03/99
Baton Rouge,Louisiana                                                     



The State of Louisiana notified Region IV by e-mail of a contamination   
event at a State of Louisiana licensee's site. The licensee inadvertently
cut into a 925 megabecquerels (25 mCi) Cs-137 source at the facility in  
Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The State responded to the event and conducted   
radiation surveys. The contamination was contained within the lower level
of the facility. The site has been decontaminated, which included the    
removal of the lower level carpet. The State is continuing its           
investigation into the event.                                            

Regional Action:

Region IV will continue to coordinate with the State of Louisiana on     
their followup activities.                                               

Contact:  M. Linda McLean            (817)860-8116