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Morning Report for March 16, 2001

                       Headquarters Daily Report

                         MARCH 16, 2001

                    REPORT             NEGATIVE            NO INPUT
                    ATTACHED           INPUT RECEIVED      RECEIVED

HEADQUARTERS                           X                   
REGION I            X                                      
REGION II                              X                   
REGION III          X                                      
REGION IV                                                 X

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Northeast Utilities                    MR Number: 1-01-0004
Millstone 1                            Date: 03/16/01
Dockets: 50-245

Subject: MILLSTONE 1 CONTROL ROOM TRANSFER                               


Millstone 1 plans to move out of the old Control Room into the new       
Central Monitoring System (CMS) on Saturday, March 17.  The on-duty shift
manager will transfer into the CMS, where the command and control        
responsibilities for Unit 1 will then be implemented.  During the        
transfer both the old Control Room and the CMS will be operable and      
staffed, until the CMS assumes full control.  Electric power to the old  
Unit 1 control room is expected to be cut on or about March 24, and      
operators will be on duty until then in the old control room for purposes
not related to the spent fuel pool.                                      

Regional Action:

An inspector will be onsite March 19-22                                  

Contact:  Todd Jackson               (610)337-5308
          Ronald Bellamy             (610)337-5200
REGION III  MORNING REPORT     PAGE  2          MARCH 16, 2001

Licensee/Facility:                     Notification:

Nuclear Management Company             MR Number: 3-01-0004
Prairie Island 1 2                     Date: 03/15/01
Welch,Minnesota                        E-mail from the resident inspectors
Dockets: 50-282,50-306

Subject: Selection of Permanent Plant Manager                            


Effective March 15, 2001, Mr. Mike Werner will assume the position as    
Plant Manager for the Prairie Island Station. Mr. Werner has worked at   
Prairie Island since 1974. His career includes assignments in Operations,
Operations Training, Industrial Safety, Fire Protection, Risk Management,
and Site Service and he has held a Prairie Island Reactor Operator and   
Senior Reactor Operator License. Mr. Werner had been Acting Plant Manager
since December 15, 2000, when Mr. Don Schuelke left the Prairie Island   
Plant Manager position to assume the position of Manager of Radiation    
Protection/Chemistry and Emergency Planning for the Nuclear Management   

Regional Action:

Information only                                                         

Contact:  ROGER LANKBURY             (630)829-9631