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Need something done on your King County road?

Answers to frequently-asked questions

Also see: General contact numbers for the King County Road Services Division.

How do I get a problem fixed in the road right-of-way?

Several maintenance problems may occur within the road right-of-way such as pot holes, narrow shoulder width or erosion, deep ditches, brush growing out of control (herbicide spraying), road deterioration, graffiti removal, ice and snow, poor sight distance, and illegal dumping in the right-of-way.

For any unincorporated area 24 hours a day, seven days a week call 206-296-8100 or toll-free at 1-800-KC-ROADS or (1-800-527-6237). For Skykomish call 677-2219. For Vashon-Maury Island call 463-9744.

What roads are scheduled for improvement?

The Transportation Needs Report (TNR) identifies roads needing improvement, community plans, public input, traffic safety and traffic forecasting. For general information call 206-296-6593. To find out about scheduled public meetings call 206-296-6510. To find out about roads under construction call 206-296-6575.

What is the status of my plat permit?

Call 206-296-6640 for information about plats, short plats and land subdivisions.

Where can I get maps and other road-related documents?

The Road Services Division Map Counter is where you can obtain copies of maps, plat maps, profile maps and bid documents and road standards. This is a good place to find out the history of a road. Other information at the Map Counter includes bidding information, construction bid documents, bidder's list and apparent low bid. Monument locations, grid coordinates, and other survey data related only to road improvements and road rights-of-way. Survey information is not available for private property.

For general information call 206-296-6548. For road-related survey information call 206-296-6508.

How can I report traffic problems?

Call 206-296-6596 for traffic-related safety problems including signs, paint striping and safety markings, traffic signal malfunction, parking problems on the right-of-way and on paved pathways, or sight distance problems.

How can I find out about pedestrian walkway and safety information?

Call 206-296-6596 if you are concerned about pedestrian safety, the safety of youngsters walking to school, or for information on the county's Pedestrian Walkway Program.

What is the Neighborhood Safety Program?

Call 206-296-6596 if you are concerned about traffic volumes, speeding in neighborhoods, cut-through traffic or other safety problems. You can also visit the Neighborhood Safety Program.

What about non-motorized transportation?

Check out these resources: Bicycling in King County and transportation links.

What is Adopt-A-Road?

Adopt-a-Road is a program that works with groups of volunteers to help keep the County's roadways free of litter. The County provides safety training, equipment and litter bags to community service and neighborhood groups registered with the County's program. The State and some cities have similar programs. Call 206-296-3807 for more information.

How can I establish a Road Improvement District (RID)?

A Road Improvement District is a way to form a local improvement district to pay for improving local and neighborhood roads. Call 206-296-6522 for more information.

How can I get a road vacation?

A road vacation occurs when road right-of-way is no longer needed for road purposes and the county releases its interest on the land. Call 206-296-6522 for more information.

Who do I "call before I dig"?

Make one call to 1-800-424-5555 to locate underground utilities before you excavate. Gas, telephone, power, water, cable or other utilities are located and marked with spray paint.

What is the Mitigation Payment System?

This system requires developers to pay a fee for the anticipated increase in traffic resulting from the land development. Call 206-296-7451 for more information.

What is the Transportation Concurrency Management System?

This system provides for the requirement that transportation system improvements be made concurrently with the completion of development. Call 206-296-8764 for more information.

How do I find out about historic road landmarks?

Roads and bridges listed as King County Historic Landmarks, or listed on the National Register of Historic Places should be researched through the Office of Historic Preservation. Call 206-296-8689 for more information.

How do I find out about bicycle, carpool, vanpool, bus and other ride sharing information?

Check out King County's transportation menu.

You didn't answer my question--now what do I do?

If your question was not answered here or elsewhere in Roadways documents, please contact us by e-mail or phone at 206-296-6590.

Updated: Oct. 23, 2008

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