[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 50, Volume 9]
[Revised as of January 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 50CFR660.711]

[Page 210]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                  Subpart K_Highly Migratory Fisheries
Sec.  660.711  General catch restrictions.

    (a) Prohibited species. HMS under the FMP for which quotas have been 
achieved and the fishery closed are prohibited species. In addition, the 
following are prohibited species:
    (1) Any species of salmon.
    (2) Great white shark.
    (3) Basking shark.
    (4) Megamouth shark.
    (5) Pacific halibut.
    (b) Incidental landings. HMS caught by gear not authorized by this 
subpart may be landed in incidental amounts as follows:
    (1) Drift gillnet vessels with stretched mesh less than 14 inches 
may land up to 10 HMS per trip, except that no swordfish may be landed.
    (2) Bottom longline vessels may land up to 20 percent by weight of 
management unit sharks in landings of all species, or 3 individual 
sharks of the species in the management unit, whichever is greater.
    (3) Trawl and pot gear vessels may land up to 1 percent by weight of 
management unit sharks in a landing of all species or 2 individual 
sharks of the species in the management unit, whichever is greater.
    (c) Marlin prohibition. The sale of striped marlin by a vessel with 
a permit under this subpart is prohibited.
    (d) Sea turtle handling and resuscitation. All sea turtles taken 
incidentally in fishing operations by any HMS vessel other than vessels 
subject to Sec.  660.712 must be handled in accordance with 50 CFR 

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