[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 50, Volume 9]
[Revised as of January 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 50CFR660.385]

[Page 72-73]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                Subpart G_West Coast Groundfish Fisheries
Sec.  660.385  Washington coastal tribal fisheries management measures.

    In 1994, the United States formally recognized that the four 
Washington coastal treaty Indian tribes (Makah, Quileute, Hoh, and 
Quinault) have treaty rights to fish for groundfish in the Pacific 
Ocean, and concluded that, in general terms, the quantification of those 
rights is 50 percent of the harvestable surplus of groundfish that pass 
through the tribes usual and accustomed fishing areas (described at 
Sec.  660.324). Measures implemented to minimize adverse impacts to 
groundfish EFH, as described in Sec.  660.306, do not apply to tribal 
fisheries in their usual and accustomed fishing areas (described in 
Sec.  660.324). Treaty fisheries operating within tribal allocations are 
prohibited from operating outside ususal and accustomed fishing areas. 
Tribal fishery allocations for sablefish and whiting, are provided in 
paragraphs (a) and (e) of this section, respectively, and the tribal 
harvest guideline for black rockfish is provided in paragraph (b)(1) of 
this section. Trip limits for certain species were recommended by the 
tribes and the Council and are specified here with the tribal 
    (a) Sablefish. In 2005, the tribal allocation is 731.4 mt and in 
2006 the tribal allocation is 719.4 mt. These allocations are, for each 
year, 10 percent of the total catch OY, less 2.3 percent estimated 
discard mortality.
    (b) Rockfish. (1) For the commercial harvest of black rockfish off 
Washington State, a harvest guideline of: 20,000 lb (9,072 kg) north of 
Cape Alava, WA (48[deg]09[min]30[sec] N. lat.) and 10,000 lb (4,536 kg) 
between Destruction Island, WA (47[deg]40[min]00[sec] N. lat.) and 
Leadbetter Point, WA (46[deg]38[min]10[sec] N. lat.). There are no 
tribal harvest restrictions for the area between Cape Alava and 
Destruction Island.
    (2) The tribe will manage their fisheries so that fishermen are 
either subject to a 300-lb (136-kg) trip limit for thornyheads or 
subject to the limited entry trip limits for thornyheads.
    (3) Canary rockfish are subject to a 300-lb (136-kg) trip limit.
    (4) Yelloweye rockfish are subject to a 100-lb (45-kg) trip limit.
    (5) The Makah Tribe will manage the midwater trawl fisheries as 
follows: yellowtail rockfish taken in the directed tribal mid-water 
trawl fisheries are subject to a cumulative limit of 180,000 lb (81,647 
kg) per 2-month period for the entire fleet. Landings of widow rockfish 
must not exceed 10 percent of the weight of yellowtail rockfish landed 
in any two-month period. These limits may be adjusted by the tribe 
inseason to minimize the incidental catch of canary rockfish and widow 
    (6) Other rockfish, including minor nearshore, minor shelf, and 
minor slope rockfish groups are subject to a 300-lb (136-kg) trip limit 
per species or species group, or to the non-tribal limited entry trip 
limit for those species if

[[Page 73]]

those limits are less restrictive than 300 lb (136 kg) per trip.
    (7) Rockfish taken during open competition tribal commercial 
fisheries for Pacific halibut will not be subject to trip limits.
    (c) Lingcod. Lingcod are subject to a 600 lb (272 kg) daily trip 
limit and a 1,800 lb (816 kg) weekly limit, unless taken in the treaty 
salmon troll fisheries. Lingcod taken in the treaty salmon troll 
fisheries are subject to a 1,000 lb (454 kg) daily trip limit and a 
4,000 lb (1,814 kg) weekly limit.
    (d) Flatfish and other fish. Treaty fishing vessels using bottom 
trawl gear are subject to the limits applicable to the non-tribal 
limited entry trawl fishery for English sole, rex sole, and other 
flatfish that are published at the beginning of the year. For Dover sole 
and arrowtooth flounder from July-December 2006, the Makah Tribe will 
manage its fishery to a harvest target of 476.3 mt for Dover sole and 
1360.8 mt for arrowtooth flounder. Treaty fishing vessels are restricted 
to a 50,000 lb (22,680 kg) per 2 month limit for petrale sole for the 
entire year.
    (e) Pacific whiting. The tribal allocation is 35,000 mt.
    (f) There is a tribal harvest guideline of 400 mt of Pacific cod. 
The tribes will manage their fisheries within this harvest guideline.
    (g) The tribes will manage their spiny dogfish fishery within the 
trip limits for the non-tribal fisheries.

[69 FR 77041, Dec. 23, 2004, as amended at 70 FR 22812, May 3, 2005; 71 
FR 8498, Feb. 17, 2006; 71 FR 27415, May 11, 2006; 71 FR 37844, July 3, 