[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 50, Volume 9]
[Revised as of January 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 50CFR660.322]

[Page 30]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                Subpart G_West Coast Groundfish Fisheries
Sec.  660.322  Sablefish allocations.

    (a) Tribal-nontribal allocation. The sablefish allocation to Pacific 
coast treaty Indian tribes identified at Sec.  660.324(b) is 10 percent 
of the sablefish total catch OY for the area north of 36[deg] N. lat. 
This allocation represents the total amount available to the treaty 
Indian fisheries before deductions for discard mortality. The annual 
tribal sablefish allocations are provided in Sec.  660.385(a).
    (b) Between the limited entry and open access sectors. Sablefish is 
allocated between the limited entry and open access fisheries according 
to the procedure described in Sec.  660.320(a).
    (c) Between the limited entry trawl and limited entry nontrawl 
sectors. The limited entry sablefish allocation is further allocated 58 
percent to the trawl sector and 42 percent to the nontrawl (longline and 
pot/trap) sector.
    (d) Between the limited entry fixed gear primary season and daily 
trip limit fisheries. Within the limited entry nontrawl sector 
allocation, 85 percent is reserved for the primary season described in 
Sec.  660.372(b), leaving 15 percent for the limited entry daily trip 
limit fishery described in Sec.  660.372(c).
    (e) Ratios between tiers for sablefish endorsed limited entry permit 
holders. The Regional Administrator will biennially or annually 
calculate the size of the cumulative trip limit for each of the three 
tiers associated with the sablefish endorsement such that the ratio of 
limits between the tiers is approximately 1:1.75:3.85 for Tier 3:Tier 
2:Tier 1, respectively. The size of the cumulative trip limits will vary 
depending on the amount of sablefish available for the primary fishery 
and on estimated discard mortality rates within the fishery. The size of 
the cumulative trip limits for the three tiers in the primary fishery 
will be announced in Sec.  660.372.

[69 FR 77029, Dec. 23, 2004]