[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 50, Volume 9]
[Revised as of January 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 50CFR660.303]

[Page 15-17]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                Subpart G_West Coast Groundfish Fisheries
Sec.  660.303  Reporting and recordkeeping.

    (a) This subpart recognizes that catch and effort data necessary for 
implementing the PCGFMP are collected by the States of Washington, 
Oregon, and California under existing state data collection 
requirements. Telephone surveys of the domestic industry may be 
conducted by NMFS to determine amounts of whiting that may be available 
for reallocation under 50 CFR 660.323(c). No Federal reports are 
required of fishers or processors, so long as the data collection and 
reporting systems operated by state agencies continue to provide NMFS 
with statistical information adequate for management.
    (b) Any person who is required to do so by the applicable state law 
must make and/or file, retain, or make available any and all reports 
(i.e., logbooks, fish tickets, etc.) of groundfish harvests and landings 
containing all data, and in the exact manner, required by the applicable 
state law.
    (c) Any person landing groundfish must retain on board the vessel 
from which groundfish is landed, and provide to an authorized officer 
upon request, copies of any and all reports of groundfish landings 
containing all data, and in the exact manner, required by the applicable 
state law throughout the cumulative limit period during which a landing 
occurred and for 15 days thereafter. For participants in the primary 
sablefish season (detailed at Sec.  660.372(b)), the cumulative limit 
period to which this requirement applies is April 1 through October 31.

[[Page 16]]

    (d) Reporting requirements for vessels fishing in conservation 
areas--(1) Declaration reports for trawl vessels intending to fish in a 
conservation area. The operator of any vessel registered to a limited 
entry permit with a trawl endorsement; any vessel using trawl gear, 
including exempted gear used to take pink shrimp, ridgeback prawns, 
California halibut and sea cucumber; or any tribal vessel using trawl 
gear must provide NMFS with a declaration report, as specified at Sec.  
660.303(d)(5) of this section to identify the intent to fish within the 
CCA, as defined at Sec.  660.304, or any trawl RCA, as defined in the 
groundfish annual or biennial management measures that are published in 
the Federal Register.
    (2) Declaration reports for non-trawl vessels intending to fish in a 
conservation area. The operator of any vessel registered to a limited 
entry permit with a longline or pot endorsement must provide NMFS OLE 
with a declaration report, as specified at paragraph (d)(5) of this 
section, to identify the intent to fish within the CCA, as defined at 
Sec.  660.390, or any non-trawl RCA, as defined in the groundfish annual 
management measures that are published in the Federal Register.
    (3) When a declaration report for fishing in a conservation area is 
required, as specified in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section, 
it must be submitted before the vessel leaves port:
    (i) On a trip in which the vessel will be used to fish in a 
conservation area for the first time during the calendar year;
    (ii) On a trip in which the vessel will be used to fish in a 
conservation area with a gear type that is different from the gear 
declaration provided on a valid declaration report as defined at 
paragraph 660.303(d)(6) of this section; or
    (iii) On a trip in which the vessel will be used to fish in a 
conservation area for the first time after a declaration report to 
cancel fishing in a conservation area was received by NMFS.
    (4) Declaration report to cancel fishing in a conservation area. The 
operator of any vessel that provided NMFS with a declaration report for 
fishing in a conservation area, as required at paragraphs (d)(1) or 
(d)(2) of this section, must submit a declaration report to NMFS OLE to 
cancel the current declaration report before the vessel leaves port on a 
trip in which the vessel is used to fish with a gear that is not in the 
same gear category set out in paragraph Sec.  660.303(d)(5)(i) declared 
by the vessel in the current declaration.
    (5) Declaration reports will include: the vessel name and/or 
identification number, and gear declaration (as defined in Sec.  
660.303(d)(5)(i)). Upon receipt of a declaration report, NMFS will 
provide a confirmation code or receipt. Retention of the confirmation 
code or receipt to verify that the declaration requirement was met is 
the responsibility of the vessel owner or operator.
    (i) One of the following gear types must be declared:
    (A) Limited entry fixed gear,
    (B) Limited entry midwater trawl,
    (C) Limited entry bottom trawl,
    (D) Trawl gear including exempted gear used to take pink shrimp, 
ridgeback prawns, California halibut south of Pt. Arena, CA, and sea 
    (E) Tribal trawl,
    (F) Other gear including: gear used to take spot and ridgeback 
prawns, crab or lobster, Pacific halibut, salmon, California halibut, 
California sheephead, highly migratory species, species managed under 
the Coastal Pelagic Species Fishery Management Plan, and any species in 
the gillnet complex as managed by the State of California,
    (G) Non-trawl gear used to take groundfish.
    (ii) Declaration reports must be submitted through the VMS or 
another method that is approved by NMFS OLE and announced in the Federal 
Register. Other methods may include email, facsimile, or telephone. NMFS 
OLE will provide, through appropriate media, instructions to the public 
on submitting declaration reports. Instructions and other information 
needed to make declarations may be mailed to the limited entry permit 
owner's address of record. NMFS will bear no responsibility if a 
notification is sent to the address of record and is not received 
because the permit owner's actual address has changed without 
notification to NMFS, as required at

[[Page 17]]

Sec.  660.335(a)(2). Owners of vessels that are not registered to 
limited entry permits and owners of vessels registered to limited entry 
permits that did not receive instructions by mail are responsible for 
contacting NMFS OLE during business hours at least 3 days before the 
declaration is required to obtain information needed to make declaration 
reports. NMFS OLE must be contacted during business hours (Monday 
through Friday between 0800 and 1700 Pacific Time).
    (6) A declaration report will be valid until a declaration report to 
revise the existing gear declaration or a declaration report to cancel 
fishing in a conservation area is received by NMFS OLE. During the 
period that a vessel has a valid declaration report on file with NMFS, 
it cannot fish with a gear other than a gear type that is within the 
gear category (50 CFR 660.303(d)(5)) declared by the vessel. After a 
declaration report to cancel fishing in the RCA is received, that vessel 
must not fish in a conservation area until another declaration report 
for fishing by that vessel in a conservation area is received by NMFS.

[68 FR 62381, Nov. 4, 2003, as amended at 69 FR 11124, Mar. 9, 2004; 69 
FR 31755, June 7, 2004; 69 FR 42348, July 15, 2004; 71 FR 10620, Mar. 2, 