Embarq Local Operating Companies (Formerly Sprint LTC) (UTTC)

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Page last modified/reviewed on March 20, 2008


In 1986, United Telecom, Inc. created long distance services named Sprint. Then in 1992, United Telecom, Inc. adopted the Sprint name for the entire company. In addition, in May 1992, Centel Corporation (Central Telephone Companies) merged with Sprint/United to become Sprint/Central/United Telephone Company d/b/a Sprint Telephone Company.

The links below lead to brief descriptions of historical corporate events, such as mergers and acquisitions, which cause the ARMIS COSAs to change for the SPRINT LTCs.

In 2006,following a 2004 merger between Sprint and Nextel, the Sprint local telephone companies were spun off to become Embarq Local Operating Companies, and several company names were changed to reflect the new corporation.


Existing Companies & Related COSAs




Sold/Transferred Companies & Related COSAs