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Assessments, Taxes, Fees, etc.

69 - Capital stock taxes
67 - Clearance fees ‑ aircraft
67 - Customs fees
67 - Duties
69 - Foreign taxes
69 - Franchise taxes
69 - Fuel taxes (non‑refundable)
69 - Gross receipts taxes

Income taxes

91.1 - Provision for Federal income taxes
91.1 - Provision for foreign income taxes
91.1 - Provision for municipal income taxes
91.1 - Provision for state income taxes
91.1 - Adjustment to provisions for income taxes
91.2 - Investment tax credits utilized
92.1 - Current provisions for deferred taxes
92.2 - Application of taxes deferred
92.3 - Adjustment of deferred taxes
93.1 - Investment tax credits deferred
93.2 - Amortization of deferred investment tax credits

67 - Immigration service charges
69 - License fees
69 - Motor vehicle license fees

Payroll taxes

60 - Federal unemployment insurance
60 - Federal insurance contributions act (FICA)
68 - Unemployment insurance

69 - Permit fees
69 - Personal property taxes
69 - Real property taxes
67 - Revenue stamp purchases
67 - Shipment bonding charges