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Legislator Ranzenhofer Comments on Erie County Legislature 21st Century Commission

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Michael Ranzenhofer - District 4

August 8, 2008

Legislator Ranzenhofer Comments on Erie County Legislature 21st Century Commission

(Clarence, New York) – Erie County Legislator Michael H. Ranzenhofer, 4th District, commented today on the Erie County Legislature 21st Century Commission. "I applaud the sentiment of reviewing the size, powers, duties, structure and function of the legislature. I have long advocated for a smaller, more efficient legislative body. However, I do have serious reservations regarding the appointments and suggested timetable outlined in the plan," stated Legislator Ranzenhofer.

Legislator Ranzenhofer objects to the composition of the commission. The nine member commission calls for six appointments to be made by the Chair of the Legislature, one by the Majority Leader, one by the Minority Leader and one by the Chair of the Legislature's Government Affairs Committee. "The important issues that will be addressed by the commission should be done by as non-partisan group as possible. The current structure has the potential for the commission to be decidedly partisan," stated Legislator Ranzenhofer. He suggests that the commission be composed of members in a fashion similar to the Advisory Committee on Reapportionment mandated by the Erie County Charter. That committee is composed of the Chair of the Legislature, Majority Leader, Minority Leader and the Commissioners of the Board of Election or their designees and ten Erie County residents, representing concerned community groups, five of whom are chosen by the Majority Leader and five of whom are chosen by the Minority Leader. Legislator Ranzenhofer also expressed concern that the one-year term for commission members will not allow the commission to complete its work in a timely fashion. "Because the commission is dependent on leadership appointments, it is possible that there could be wholesale turnover on the commission every year. This would require the new commission to start at ground zero to get up to speed on what the previous commission had accomplished. The new members could have an entirely different world view of what is needed and decide to take a different direction. This would be counterproductive and would delay getting a referendum item to voters as soon as possible."

Legislator Ranzenhofer is also concerned that the timetable for the commission is not sufficiently aggressive. "I believe that the public referendum should occur in 2009, not 2010. The review process has already begun with resolutions clocked-in recently discussing the size of the legislature and the length of terms. Voters are demanding reform and we should give them the opportunity to vote on reform measures sooner than later."

Legislator Ranzenhofer also cautioned that the commission should offer suggested reforms as individual items and not as part of a package. "The number of legislators is distinct from the term of a legislator, which is distinct from the issue of term limits. Voters should have the opportunity to vote on each of these reform measures separately. Otherwise, a voter might be compelled to vote against a package which he or she favors, due to a significant single objectionable item. Offering separate referendum items will not confuse voters. Voters want change. Packaging distinct reform measures together will tend to stifle change from occurring."

Legislator Ranzenhofer shared his concerns with Chair Marinelli earlier today.

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