Tom Rogers

Director, Industrial and Economic Development Partnerships

Tom Rogers was named Director of Industrial and Economic Development Partnerships at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in June, 2008. His responsibilities include establishing a new industrial partnerships initiative for the lab, and leading a number of strategic economic development initiatives including the Oak Ridge Science and Technology Park.

Prior to joining ORNL, Tom was President and CEO of Technology 2020, a public-private partnership headquartered in Oak Ridge, whose mission is to help grow new technology companies in the Tennessee Valley Corridor. Technology 2020 received national recognition for its technology-based economic development achievements from the U.S. Small Business Administration, Southern Growth Policies Board, the Kauffman Foundation, the State Science and Technology Institute, and the National Business Incubator Association.

Tom has also served as the Executive Director of the Tennessee Technology Development Corporation, as President of the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce and worked for more than a decade at T.V.A. in the areas of economic development and strategic planning.

Tom serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Tennessee Valley Corridor and of Digital Crossing Networks, LLC, and on the boards of the Southern Appalachian Fund, Meritus Ventures, Southeast Community Capital, and the East Tennessee Economic Council.

Tom holds a B.A. with honors from Michigan State University and a Master of Regional Planning degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He and his wife Mary Brown live in Knoxville and have two grown sons.

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