Russ Miller

Senior Commercialization Manager

Russ MillerRuss Miller holds the position of Senior Commercialization Manager in ORNL’s Partnerships Directorate. In this capacity, he is responsible for the technology transfer, industry alliances and outreach, as well as commercialization activities for ORNL's BioEnergy Science Center, (

Miller attended Stetson University where he earned a BS degree in Physics in 1973. He completed an MS degree in Physics from the University of Virginia in 1977. Following US Army assignments as a missile maintenance officer in a Pershing Missile unit, and later as an intelligence officer, Russ joined Martin Marietta Orlando Aerospace as an electro-optical systems analyst. In 1985, he assumed business development responsibility in the Image and Signal Processing business area at Martin Marietta Electronic Systems Company in Orlando.

Before coming to the Office of Technology Transfer at ORNL in 1991, he was responsible for business development in the Special Projects mission area at Martin Marietta. Mr. Miller is a graduate of the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College. Miller has served as an elected member of DOE's Technology Partnerships Working Group executive committee, and is active in the Association of University Technology Managers as well as the Licensing Executives Society.

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