Jennifer Caldwell

Senior Commercialization Manager

Jennifer CaldwellJennifer Caldwell is a Senior Commercialization Manager for the Partnerships Directorate at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) which is operated and managed by UT-Battelle, LLC. She is responsible for the commercialization of ORNL technologies through the management of Privately Funded Technology Transfer (PFTT).

Prior to joining ORNL in 2006, Caldwell commercialized technology during her six year tenure at Research Corporation Technology, Inc. (RCT) located in Tucson, Arizona. RCT is a technology management company that licenses and invests in early stage technologies. She managed and licensed a technology portfolio concentrating in life sciences, biotechnology, and pharmaceuticals.

Caldwell earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Florida State University in 1994 and a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (with emphasis in Biochemistry) from the University of Florida in 2000. Before pursuing a Ph.D., she was employed by EG&G Florida, Inc. at Kennedy Space Center as an Environmental Health Specialist. Caldwell is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Chemical Society, and the Licensing Executives Society.

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