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NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program

Introduction to the NSDI CAP. Page contains links to the rest of the CAP Web pages.

-- Click here for more infortation and links to application  --

CAP Project Administrative Guidance: Help for awardees on project reporting, modifications,  and reimbursements

What is the NSDI CAP?

The NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) is an annual program to assist the geospatial data community through funding and other resources in implementing the components of the NSDI. This program is open to state, local and tribal governments, academia, commercial, and non-profit organizations. This program provides small seed grants to initiate sustainable on-going NSDI implementations. The program emphasizes partnerships, collaboration and the leveraging of geospatial resources in achieving its goals. Some of the activities supported by the CAP include:

  • Standards implementation through guide development and training
  • Participation in the Clearinghouse and Geospatial One-Stop Portal
  • Implementing OpenGIS Web Mapping and Web Feature Services
  • Demonstrating to Federal business managers the value of incorporating geospatial approaches into business processes
  • Establishing participation in The National Map
  • Building organizational collaboration and cooperation among organizations

Starting in 2004 the FGDC, Geospatial One-Stop and the USGS National Map programs are jointly sponsoring the CAP program. These three programs are national geospatial programs with Federal leadership that share the common goal of building the NSDI. The objective is to develop a model incentives program that will encourage other federal programs to participate in upcoming years to take advantage of partnerships, leverage resources and provide a more efficient process for applicants.

Learn more about the CAP through the NSDI Training pages.


CAP Project Information

StarBullet_GreenCategory List
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002(pdf) | 2001(pdf) | 2000(pdf)

StarBullet_GreenProject List
2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003

StarBullet_GreenInteractive Map Viewer

      Map Viewer Example - tiny

See the locations of CAP projects from 1994 to present

StarBullet_GreenPrintable Maps
| 2007 | 2006  | 2005 | 2004All Projects

See Program Achievements and Evaluations StarBullet_Orange FY2007 Achievements StarBullet_Orange

CAP Factsheet (PDF format)

Related Links:

For more information please contact Gita Urban-Mathieux, CAP Coordinator.

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