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The Rocky Mountain and Plains Regional Climate Science Education Collaborative

Check out! Climate Ambassadors: http://www.epa.gov/climateforaction/

The purpose of the Collaborative is to act as a regional repository of educational information, resources and experts in Climate Science and Global Climate Change for the Rocky Mountains and Plains. The Collaborative will maintain this up-to-date informative website, an e-mail listserve and a list of experts in the field of Climate Education. The Collaborative will host regular meetings and coordinate outreach activities. The Collaborative is hosted by the U.S. EPA, Region 8 Environmental Education Program.

Partners in the Collaborative are:

Gore Range Natural Science School
Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education
Thorne Ecological Institute
Keystone Science School
Project Wet-Colorado
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Colorado Water Conservation Board
National Wildlife Federation
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Studies

If you are interested in joining the Collaborative, please contact Wendy Dew, EPA at: 303-312-6605 or Ali Goulstone Sweeney, CAEE at 303-273-9527.
Join the Rocky Mountain and Plains Regional Climate Science Education Collaborative e-mail listserve!

E-mail Address:

Teaching Climate Science Education Resources

Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of Climate Sciences Interactive Chart (14 pp, 4.6 MB, About PDF Files)

Looking for Climate Change 101 Slide Presentations to use in your classroom/organization?

Grade School: National Wildlife Federation Climate Classroom Slideshow and Presenter's Guide

Middle, High School and Adult: Mark McCaffrey, Science Communications, CIRES Education & Outreach, University of Colorado- Boulder Climate Literacy, Essential Priciples and Fundamental Concepts (PPT, 12 mg, 122 slides)

Climate Change Can Change the West, Rocky Mountain Climate Organization

Some of the sites listed on this page are not on the EPA Web site. Please see our disclaimer information.exit sign

Title Description Link
EPA Climate Change for Kids Website EPA's Official Website on Climate Change for kids, parents and teachers. http://www.epa.gov/
Climate Change, Wildlife and Wildlands Use the Climate Change, Wildlife and Wildlands: A Toolkit for Teachers and Interpreters to learn about the science of climate change and its potential effects on our nation’s wildlife and their habitats. http://www.epa.gov/
Global Warming Wheel Card Classroom Activity Kit A hand-held wheel card and other resources help students estimate household greenhouse gas emissions in order to encourage students to think about ways to reduce their personal, family, school and community contributions to climate change. If you are an informal educator, simply use the Global Warming Wheel Card as a part of your field activities. http://www.epa.gov/
Climate Change Education Very large amount of resources for all age groups. http://www.climatechan
Trash and Climate Change Activity Book: Climate Change, Waste, Recycling.


En Espanol

(11 pp, 385 KB,
About PDF Files

Climate Status Investigations Welcome to The Keystone Center’s curriculum website with over 65 lessons developed to introduce middle and high school teachers and their students to the topic of climate change and to provide new ways of thinking about the problem and potential solutions. The curricula provide teachers with a non-biased framework for investigating climate change.
Climate Discovery The goals of the Climate Discovery online workshop series is to provide standards-relevant science content, training on easy to implement hands-on classroom activities, and a broad overview of the geosciences to educator-leaders who are teaching sciences at the middle and high school levels. http://www.eo.
Climate Classroom ClimateClassroom.org helps educate children about global climate change in accurate, developmentally appropriate, and hopeful ways. Sections designed for parents and K-12 educators provide talking points, attractive visuals, instructional guidelines, and helpful resource links for investigating the topic with children. An additional section for school-age children offers quality learning experiences and realistic suggestions for becoming part of the global-warming solution. http://www.clima
Climate Check High school students can investigate the link between everyday actions at their high school, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. http://www.epa.
Climate Change and You Factsheets Factsheets about what you can do to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

At Home
At School
On the Road
At the Office

The Climate Change Collection The Climate Change Collection is a suite of science education web-based resources covering natural climate dynamics as well as human impacts on the climate system. http://serc.carle
Climate Timeline The Climate TimeLine Information Tool is designed as an interactive matrix to allow users to examine climatic information at varying scales through time. http://www.ngdc
Center for Environmental Education -Curriculum for Educators CEE works with K-12 schools to address climate change issues and to cultivate healthy lifestyles. Children learn best through experience. If their schools are green, children will learn to live that way.


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