TABLE 3 Corrected and Uncorrected ADT and DVMT Values,,,,, (0.2 mile grid-based sample),,,,, ,"Number of counts ","Average ADT1 (veh/day)","Average weighted ADT2 (veh/day)","DVMT estimate (veh-miles)","Weighted DVMT estimate (veh-miles)" Pike County,243,454.87,453.18,"377,232.79","375,831.24" Henderson County,164,386.27,367.59,"232,105.78","220,881.16" Fayette County,337,747.06,719.56,"548,177.69","527,998.74" "1 Straight arithmetic mean. 2 Mean is weighted by the ratio of target and actual slopes from the regression analysis. Key: ADT = average daily traffic; DVMT = daily vehicle-miles traveled; veh/day = vehicles per day; veh-miles = vehicle-miles.",,,,,