Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> Appendix H

Appendix H - Local Data Elements

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
February 1999

Fields and subfields that were valid in either the CAN/MARC or USMARC formats at the time they were combined, but not valid in the other. They are considered local to either the American or Canadian user communities, depending on where they were valid.


261 - Imprint Statement of Films (Pre-AACR 1 Revised) (NR)
262 - Imprint Statement of Sound Recordings (Pre-AACR 2) (NR)
400 - Series Statement/Added Entry - Personal Name (R)
410 - Series Statement/Added Entry - Corporate Name (R)
411 - Series Statement/Added Entry - Meeting Name (R)
9XX - Equivalence and Cross-Reference Fields (R)


$d - Plate or Publisher's Number for Music (Pre-AACR 2) (NR)

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