Fields 440 and 490 contain series statements. Field 440 also provides an added entry for the series. A series statement is recorded in field 490 when either it is given no added entry in the record (an untraced series) or is given an added entry in a form that differs from the series statement appearing on the item. One of fields 800-830 (Series added entries) is used in conjunction with field 490 when the series is to be traced differently.
The parentheses that customarily enclose a series statement and the tracing Series., preceded by a roman numeral, in some displays for field 440 are not carried in the MARC record. They may be generated based on the field tag.
Field 400 - Series Statement/Added Entry-Personal Name
Field 410 - Series Statement/Added Entry-Corporate Name
Field 411 - Series Statement/Added Entry−Meeting Name
These fields became local to the United States in 1999 since they were obsolete in
the CAN/MARC format. They are described in Appendix H.
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